Letter from Alan North to Joan Strong



Letter from Alan North to Joan Strong


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Alan writes that he has been in London. He travelled back by train and ferry. Then via Brussels and then train the next day into Germany where a lot of the towns had been bombed.
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Temporal Coverage



Six handwritten sheets and envelope


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On Active Service

[postmark] [18 JU 40]

Miss J Strong,
46 Barkley Road,
England. [underlined]

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F/s north. W. A. 1583475
98 Sqd. 139 Wing
B.A.F.O. R.A.F.
c/o B.A.O.R.

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3 [underlined] 16.6.4 [deleted] indecipherable number [/ deleted] 6

heck of a lot since I last saw you dear.

Arrived in London on let me see, Tuesday afternoon; Fortunately another F/s turned up going to Hamburg so he was “good” for I.C. party and after a bit of “haggling” I got a warrant and permission to make my own was back by any convenient route, so was able to spend the night in London and travel down to Dover on Wednesday morning, where I caught the afternoon boat to Calais.

The weather was perfect for

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the crossing.

As we left the harbour I could just see the dim outline of Cap Gris Nez – about 22miles away. It would have been wonderful if only you could have been with me, you would have enjoyed watching the gulls catching pieces of bread we were throwing to them, before the bread reached the water.

I spent Wednesday night in Calais and caught a train to Brussels on Thursday morning.

It was drizzling on the way

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up to Brussels but was fine when we arrived there, I spent a very pleasant afternoon wandering round some of my old haunts and in the evening went to the flicks and saw the V Parade, there were some good shots of it passing through Trafalgar Square but unfortunately none of them included our barricade near St. Martins.

The train going through Cologne left at some unearthly hour of the morning I didn’t feel like getting up to catch that so caught

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a later train to Krefeld about 60 miles N. W. Of Wahn.

On the way the train passes through the very heavily bombed area around Munchen Gladbach, Krefeld of course is an awful mess as well.

In spite of all the recent reports in the papers, I must say I could’nt [sic] see any noticable [sic] deterioration in the [deleted] indecipherable word [/ deleted] health of the people – some of them were still at their old occupation of digging amongst the ruins.

One thing that stuck me

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was the number of small allotments that seem to have sprung up all over the place, a lot of the people were working on there. They seemed to [missing word] getting on quite well and the crops appear very promising. On arrival at Krefeld I rang up Wahn and found out that one of our trucks was bringing some demob’s up to the transit camp there on Friday night and returning on Saturday. So slept at the transit camp on Friday night and returned to Wahn yesterday.

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Most of the boys seem to go away for the weekends now – the mess is almost deserted in fact.

I saw the Wing Bombing Leader though, who informs me that a lot of the old boys have been demobed [sic] during my absence and on 98 Sqd. now Jackson and myself are the only two left who are qualified to analyse bombing excercises [sic]. As Jacko went on leave last week the work has just been piling up. He wants me to start instructing tomorrow but

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Alan North, “Letter from Alan North to Joan Strong,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/47634.

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