1945 continued



1945 continued


Top - photograph of a large number of airmen wearing battledress sitting and standing in 6 rows. Captioned '7 Squadron Pathfinder Force. 6th row: Sgts Hill, Shaughnessy, Stedman, Short, Yule, Woolloff, Wood, Boden. 5th row: Sgts F/Sgt Earl, F/Sgt Thornton, Turner, Watson, Savill, Turner, Bullon, Aspinall, James, Elliot. 4th row: Sgts F/Sgt Smith, Keen, Fallow, Heaven, Goultous, Shepherd, Sargeant, Lappin, Jackson, Guilfoyle. 3rd row: Sgts Stewart, Archibald, Frary, Smiley, Nield, Violet, Bullock, Metkin, Rushton, Fieger, Jack, Daniels, Atter. 2nd row: F/O Allman, F/O Smarden, F/O Sumsion, F/O Horsfall, F/O Price, F/O Pickler, F/O Cunningham, F/O Milne, F/O Grace. 1st row: Sgts Watts, Patching, Miles, Wilson, Thomas, Rogers, Perris, Brown, Moyle, Walters, Berkley'.
Continues with list of activities in August, September and October 1945. Flying in Lancaster as MUG. Based at RAF Mepal. Break 12-22 October when he married Barbara Wooton on 13 October.
Bottom - photograph of seven airmen wearing tunic or battledress with side or peaked caps, sitting on a grass bank in two rows.



One b/w photocopied sheet


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“1945 continued,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 28, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/46508.

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