G C Shepherd - the war years
G C Shepherd - the war years
24 items. Correspondence, documents, and photographs of George Shepherd's service.
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Shepherd, C
Collection Items
Newspaper cuttings DFM and wedding
Left - newspaper cutting announcing award of Distinguished Flying Medal to Flt Sgt George Charles Shepherd. Mentions him flying 60 operational flights and dropping food in Holland.
Top right - photograph of an airmen wearing flying jacket, helmet…
Top right - photograph of an airmen wearing flying jacket, helmet…
War's over celebration
Photograph of a large group of people, men, women and children. Some men in uniform taken inside with flags from ceiling. Captioned "1947. War's over celebration "Social" at 50 F (Founder) Sqdn Air Training Corps), Tulse Hill Barracks'.
Operation sunbronze
Top left - four airmen outside a building with sign "RAF Station Pomigliano".
Top right - seven airmen wearing khaki uniform standing in a row with the Temple of Jupiter (Tempio di Giove), Pompeii in the background.
Second row left - two men seated…
Top right - seven airmen wearing khaki uniform standing in a row with the Temple of Jupiter (Tempio di Giove), Pompeii in the background.
Second row left - two men seated…
Newspaper cutting - RAF pound Heligoland
Article gives detailed description of a peacetime live exercise by 90 (Lancaster and Mosquito) aircraft dropping 1000lb bombs on Heligoland. Reporter flew with 7 Squadron aircraft from RAF Mepal. Reported was ex RAFVR pilot.
From diary gives brief details of activities from January to August 1946. Includes leave and passes, promotion, sport, lectures, air tests, flying, parades, drill, entertainment, cinema. Makes reference to briefing for exercise bombing of Heligoland…
Postcards sent each time sent on operation
States that George bought 2 packs of postcards of Ely and surrounding area. He sent one to Barbara Wootton each time he was sent on operations. The first two were written on and the others enclosed with letter. List 24 postcards with related…
Air gunners of 7 PFF Squadron
Top - photograph of a large group of airmen wearing tunics with air gunner brevet and peaked or side caps; sitting and standing in five rows with Lancaster in the background. Captioned 'The air gunners of 7 P.F.F. Sqn, W/Cdr Davies DSO DFC (B Flt),…
1945 continued
Top - photograph of a large number of airmen wearing battledress sitting and standing in 6 rows. Captioned '7 Squadron Pathfinder Force. 6th row: Sgts Hill, Shaughnessy, Stedman, Short, Yule, Woolloff, Wood, Boden. 5th row: Sgts F/Sgt Earl, F/Sgt…
List operations January to July 1945. All wartime operations as MUG on Lancaster with F/Sgt Boden as pilot. After hostilities, missions include food dropping and repatriating prisoners of war. Bottom left - Pathfinder certificate awarding badge to…
George Shepherd decorations
Top left - letter from the King regretting not being able to give decorations personally.
Top right - Note of award of 1949/45 Star, France and Germany Star.
Bottom photographs of decorations front and rear. Captioned 'medals awarded to GCS from…
Top right - Note of award of 1949/45 Star, France and Germany Star.
Bottom photographs of decorations front and rear. Captioned 'medals awarded to GCS from…
1944 continued
List operations on 27 August as MUG and skipper awarded DFM. Continues to list operations through September, October, November and December 1944. All in Lancaster with F/Sgt Boden as pilot. Includes photograph of a large group of airmen wearing…
Gives account of flying in April 1944 as air gunner on Wellington from log book remarks. In June notes moving to Stirling for conversion and transfer to LFS as mid upper gunner. Gives account of first war operation on 7 Squadron on 7 August 1944.…
Training 1943/44
Top - A little about initial training at Bridlington and then at 11 Air Gunner School with details of flying.
Middle - image of a large group of airmen sitting and standing in eight rows all wearing tunics and side caps. Captioned 'ITW 1943, GCS…
Middle - image of a large group of airmen sitting and standing in eight rows all wearing tunics and side caps. Captioned 'ITW 1943, GCS…
Letter from Georg Shepherd to Barbara
Copy of three page letter with pages overlapping. First page tells a little of current life on ITW at Bridlington.
List of documents received by GCS and message from secretary of state for air
Top - Gives outline of RAF Form 38, medical board result fitness A3B. List of articles to take with him on joining. Dental treatment form, enlistment form and notification of acceptance for service form. With dates received and date of attestation.…
Airman in flying jacket and equipment issue
Top - half-length image of an airman wearing a leather flying jacket, helmet and goggles.
Bottom - copy of page from clothing card with issue of flying clothing.
Bottom - copy of page from clothing card with issue of flying clothing.
Poem - A.G.
Eight verse poem entitled air gunner. About the life and service of air gunner. At the end states 'all my own work GC S'. Two versions of this document.
Diary of events as member of air training corps -2
Continues to describe events taken part in in 1942 from July to December. Includes: camps, visiting aerodrome, flying (DH86), swimming, talks, cadet dance, home guard , rifle drill, church parade, fire watching, boxing, football, pictures, dancing…
Diary of events as member of air training corps -1
List a variety of activates with cadets from January to June in 1942. Includes: boxing, football, promotions, PT classes, talks, drill, navigation, inspections. route marches, church parade, running maths, wing parade, collection, swimming, and fire…
George Charles Shepherd biography
Details birth and early life. Gives reasons for joining air training corps and includes his fathers permission to fly as a passenger in service aircraft. Gives some detail of service as a cadet. Gives release date from reserved occupation and…
Biography - George Charles Shepherd
Gives personal details of himself and family, education, air training corps service and RAF attestation and dates of service. Notes award of DFM and Cadet Forces Medal.
Air Training Corps
Top left - head and shoulders image of an airman wearing tunic and side cap. Captioned Sgt G C Shepherd - 1942'. Top right - air training corps certificate of service. Bottom left - image of four RAF officers standing in line with brick building and…
Collection Tree
- Shepherd, George Charles
- G C Shepherd - the war years