Letter from David Boldy to his father



Letter from David Boldy to his father


Letter from Sergeant David Boldy to his father, mentioning training and shooting.


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Two page handwritten letter


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[RAF crest]

R.A.F. Bridgenorth

59, Bathurst Mews,
Lancaster Gate.
London. W. 2.

My darling Dad,

Many thanks for the letter mum sent out to me.

I am getting on well and feeling very fit. The parades & P.T. is doing us all a lot of good. Just sitting around for 9 months is apt to make one go rather soft. We have put in a terrific amount of Parades.
Yesterday we went to the range. The rifle I had was ghastly and shot 2 ft high. I got 5 out of 25. I then aimed at the bottom of the target + got 22 out of 25, which I repeated a second time.

Last evening some of us went out. We had a few drinks at a Pub. Then went to the local dance Hall which wasn’t too bad. At least the band kept

[page break]

passable time. We are going out again this evening. We hope to get our postings soon, as we have done our preliminary training. The Air gunners have already been posted so the observer’s should not have to wait long.

I had a letter from Peter who is [indecipherable word] at a training centre (naval). He is getting on quite well.

The military situation does not look too good. We ought to make a [underlined] real [/underlined] effort now & well & truly beat them up. Thank God we have Winston now & not Chamberlain.

I hope you are fit again.

No more today. Will write again soon.

God bless + keep you for us.

Love [underlined] Dave. [/underlined]



David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/415.

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