Newspaper cuttings and stamps



Newspaper cuttings and stamps


Seven newspaper cuttings with two notices of thanks, an announcement of award of Victoria Cross and four in memory. Four British 20p postage stamps featuring the Victoria Cross and Distinguished Flying Cross (2 of each).

Temporal Coverage



Seven newspaper cuttings and four postage stamps on an album page


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Mr and Mrs. PALMER and DOUGLAS wish to thank all kind friends for the many kind letters and enquires on the award of the Victoria Cross to their dear son and brother, Bob: also for the sympathy expressed on this being posted “Missing.” All letters will be answered personally later.

Actg, Sqdn. Ldr Robert Anthony Maurice Palmer. V.C., D.F.C. And Bar. Reported missing when his plane was seen spiralling down in flames over Cologne on Dec. 23. Now known to have lost his life. Aged 25. Awarded V.C. for persisting in marking the target for following aircraft though his plane was on fire and fighters were attacking. Formerly in office of Gravesend borough engineer.

PALMER. – In proud and treasured memories of our dear Bob; who lost his life in a raid over Cologne on Dec. 23rd. 1944. Also remembering the gallant crew who died with him. “Their deed endureth and their memory liveth for ever.” – From Mother, Dad and Brother Doug.

PALMER. – Proud and treasured memories of our dear son and brother, Bob, Sqdn. Ldr. R.A.M. Palmer, VC., D.F.C. and Bar, who was killed on operations over Cologne, Dec. 23rd. 1944. Remembering also his crew.
He loved his life – yet thought it not in vain
To offer all he had in freedom's cause.
– Mother. Dad and Brother Douglas

PALMER. – Proud and treasured memories of our dear son and brother, Bob, Sqdn. Ldr. R.A.M. Palmer, VC., D.F.C. and Bar, who was killed on operations over Cologne, Dec. 23rd. 1944. Remembering also his crew.
He loved his life – yet thought it not in vain
To offer all he had in freedom's cause.
– Mother. Dad and Brother Douglas

[postage stamp] [postage stamp]

[postage stamp] [postage stamp]


MR. and MRS, PALMER wish to thank his Worship the Mayor, the Rectors of Gravesend and Milton, ex-members of the R.A.F., members of the A.T.C., and all friends and townspeople who honoured the memory of their son by being present at the ceremony of unveiling his portrait at the Town Hall on November 2nd.

PALMER. – In memory of my brother Sqn. Ldr. BOB PALMER, VC, DFC, AE, RAFVR and those who died with him on operations over Cologne on 23rd December, 1944. Remembering also, all members of Nos, 109 and 582 Squadrons who gave their lives during World War II.


“Newspaper cuttings and stamps,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025,

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