Letter to Reg Wilson's Parents



Letter to Reg Wilson's Parents


Ginger expresses pleasure that Reg has 'landed' safely. His letter was delayed because he was on a mission to bomb the Tirpitz. He talks about family news.




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Two double sided handwritten sheets


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ERudpathDWilsonWJ-M440407-0001, ERudpathDWilsonWJ-M440407-0002


[crest of H.M.S. Jamaica]

O.A. Q.J. Rudpath D/MX58904.
Mess 61A.
C/O G.P.O.

April 7th 1944.

Dear Mr & Mrs Wilson,

I was very pleased to receive your letter informing me of Reg’s safe landing and I know that it has taken a great weight off your minds. I am sorry that I kept you waiting for an answer, but the day I received your letter we went out on a trip and have only just returned. We took part in the bombing of the “Tirpitz” and as the papers & wireless have announced all the details you will I expect know as much as I do about it. The fact that we saw enemy occupied territory and suffered no opposition certainly gave us confidence for any further operation we shall have to carry out.

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When I do write to Reg I shall do as you have directed & shall definitely keep the ship’s name out of the letter. We seem rather fond of Jerry battleships and so far always came off top dog.

You may be sure that I do not expect Reg to write to me. If I were him I’m sure that home & the young lady would always be my considerations.

I heard from my Mother yesterday that Margaret Heron had seen Ethel my sister so they knew of the glad news before my letter arrived telling them.

I hope he won’t feel too bad but I shouldn’t fancy being in his place, we haven’t much freedom it’s true, sometimes, but there’s always the possibility of getting home even if means waiting a few months. I don’t think that Reg will have to wait very long now, not when the [missing words]

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Jerry’s doorstep which won’t be long now.

I was pleased to hear in your first letter that Doris was nearer at hand, I often wish I was but I get along quite O.K.

I expect that all is well with both May & Vera & Harold & Maisie are still doing fine. All at home seem quite happy enjoying the long evenings. It makes a change for us too after doing six months on convoys to Russia in perpetual darkness.

I’ll say cheerio for now, hoping that all remains O.K.

Your sincerely



Ginger, “Letter to Reg Wilson's Parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/35643.

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