Letter to Bill Eyles from S Bradshaw



Letter to Bill Eyles from S Bradshaw


Letter from relation of Harry Binns navigator who had been killed in a crash. Asks Bill to tell Mrs Binns about Harry's last days. provides some information about Harry and asks him to share any experiences.




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Two page handwritten letter


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18 Queens Rd
Sep 21/43

Dear Bill

Please pardon me writing you in this familiar way, I only do so, because you were a pal of my nephew Harry Binns & anyone who was a friend of his was a friend of mine.

I went to Sale last Sat week to see Mrs Binns & I got your address from her & I might say she was pleased to hear from you & would be glad if you will call & see her, at your first opportunity & if you could tell her of anything of Harry of the last few days before the accident, she would be comforted, for this has been a great blow to her & to all of us.

Harry to me, was a very dear nephew & has been all his life, we shared much in common & we were looking forward to some great times after the war.

This cannot be now, but he has left us all a great legacy of happy memories of his boyhood,

[page break]

[inserted] Letter after Harry Binns, our navigator, had been killed in the crash he was a sergeant but his commission had come through that day. [/inserted]


[missing words] reached a great height
[missing words] meet you if at all possible
[missing words] hours leave & you are too
[missing words] we would only be
[missing words] you with us.
[missing words] together & are homely folks & we would make you comfortable.

We shall always be interested in your welfare & I would be pleased if you would send me your home address, then we should be certain of getting to know your whereabouts.

We share with you the very trying experience you have had & if I could express Harry’s wishes, I am certain he would say, “Carry on the great work until we have won the Victory we set out for.”

We send you our very best wishes, that in all the experiences you share, you will come safely through & return to those whom you love & enter on a still greater work in the building up of a better world.

With very kind regards.
Yours sincerely
S Bradshaw



S Bradshaw, “Letter to Bill Eyles from S Bradshaw,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/33501.

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