Letter to Alfred Dickerson's father from the Air Ministry
Letter to Alfred Dickerson's father from the Air Ministry
Notes that the remains of Sergeant A J Dickerson were removed from Düsseldorf cemetery and reverently re-interred in the Reichswald Forest British war cemetery.
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One page typewritten letter
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Tel No
SLOANE 3447 Ext.
23 April, 1948
Dear Mr. Dickerson,
I am very sorry to renew your grief in the sad loss of your son, Sergeant A.R. Dickerson, but I am sure you will wish to know of a report which has now been received from the Royal Air Force Missing and Enquiry Service in Germany concerning his last resting place.
His remains have been removed from Dusseldorf Cemetery and reverently reinterred in the Reichswald Forest British Military Cemetery in the district of Cleve, Grave 18, Row B, Plot II. You will be glad to know that the comrades who lost their lives with him rest in graves nearby.
I must explain that his reburial is in accordance with the policy agreed upon by His Majesty’s and the Commonwealth Governments, that our fallen in Germany should not be left in isolated cemeteries but should rest together in special military cemeteries which have been selected for the natural beauty and peace of their surroundings. The graves there will be maintained in perpetuity by the Imperial War Graves Commission who will consult you later on regarding the inscription upon the headstone they will erect in his memory. A photograph of the grave will be sent to you, although this may not be for some considerable time.
I do hope the thought that his last resting place will always be reverently tended may be of some slight comfort to you in the great loss you have sustained.
Yours sincerely,
G. Dickerson, Esq.,
16, Hillside Grove,
London, N.14.
SLOANE 3447 Ext.
23 April, 1948
Dear Mr. Dickerson,
I am very sorry to renew your grief in the sad loss of your son, Sergeant A.R. Dickerson, but I am sure you will wish to know of a report which has now been received from the Royal Air Force Missing and Enquiry Service in Germany concerning his last resting place.
His remains have been removed from Dusseldorf Cemetery and reverently reinterred in the Reichswald Forest British Military Cemetery in the district of Cleve, Grave 18, Row B, Plot II. You will be glad to know that the comrades who lost their lives with him rest in graves nearby.
I must explain that his reburial is in accordance with the policy agreed upon by His Majesty’s and the Commonwealth Governments, that our fallen in Germany should not be left in isolated cemeteries but should rest together in special military cemeteries which have been selected for the natural beauty and peace of their surroundings. The graves there will be maintained in perpetuity by the Imperial War Graves Commission who will consult you later on regarding the inscription upon the headstone they will erect in his memory. A photograph of the grave will be sent to you, although this may not be for some considerable time.
I do hope the thought that his last resting place will always be reverently tended may be of some slight comfort to you in the great loss you have sustained.
Yours sincerely,
G. Dickerson, Esq.,
16, Hillside Grove,
London, N.14.
Great Britain. Air Ministry and G M Haslam, “Letter to Alfred Dickerson's father from the Air Ministry,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 22, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/33461.
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