Writes of reading a letter from him dated a year ago from Médéa mentioning rain and wondering whether it was raining at Laghouat on same day this year. Still awaiting reply to latest cable. Continues with news of talking to locals about him, of…
Notes arrival of 4 letters and 5 postcards in a week. Comments on contents concerning his activities and whether he is becoming a cynic. Writes of happy hours spent in garden. Provides description of new house. Mentions double summer time and sunrise…
Acknowledges arrival of letter and postcard and notes that some letters have gone missing. Comments on some of the content of letters concerning censor and his allotment. Glad to get good news of his health and well being and understands the intense…
Writes of cables sent and received and still awaiting next letter. Mentions correspondence from others and passes on news contained. Comments on good weather, state of garden and how much they like living in new home. Mentions trying to find…
Has not written for three weeks as busy sorting out three houses before moving in to new one. Notes arrival of his cable on 22 May and wonders what would happen to all her letters sent to previous camp at Le Kef. Mentions that he has reported only a…
Writes of house hunting and taking temporary home until something more suitable available. Mentions activities, walking round town looking for shoes. Continues with description other activities. Writes of old Skipton grammar school friends. Mentions…
Compares English weather with what he is likely to be having. Reminisces on past events. Writes of their activities over Easter holiday. Mentions the chocolate he asked for and they were not able to get it. Wrote to Red Cross to help. Notes they are…
Reminisces over previous Easter. Writes of activities including looking for a house. Mentions shortage of houses and long waiting lists. Discusses finance and his allotment to them and that he had tried to change it. Delighted to hear that he had…
Received two letters and three post cards from him. Comments on contents of his letters. Mentions that they had not seen oranges in England. Mentions time letters take to travel and that they have sent cables. Talks of their life in general. Catches…
Catches up with mail received and reminds them that to arrive by airmail it must be so marked on the envelope and have correct stamps. Mentions airmail is much quicker. states that he has sent them letters fortnightly and hopes they have arrived.…
Acknowledges the arrival of a number of letters. Writes he is moving to Algeria and gives address of new camp in Médéa. Hopes conditions will be better there. Comments on the current weather and that everything is looking green. Hopes they will…
From M H Grundy mentions that he had seen Douglas's family and told them that he had received mail from Douglas and allowed them to read them. Continues with news of blitz on Manchester and his going to cinema as first visit since the bombing. Asks…
Philosophical letter from Roger about his pacifist views on life and offering advice. Includes and extract from Douglas Hudson's book 'Destined to fly again' explaining that he used to visit an English lady and her two conscientious objector sons…
Had received letter from them and sorry to hear mother was ill. Concerned over possible gaps in mail. Went to Algiers for two day, tried to get clothes but very difficult. Describes Algiers city and weather. Sorry to hear old school master was victim…
Acknowledges receipt of letters. Hopes they are settling in new house.Talks of chocolate, red cross and their status as prisoners of war in Tunisia. Notes price of cigarettes is much cheaper in Algeria that in England. Says he is expecting to go to…
Writes of letters received from them and other relations. Discusses mail situation. Discusses their new house and talks a little of life in his new situation.
Writes of mail received and that he is happy they are now settled as constant moving made addressing letters to them difficult. Writes that he has been walking in local countryside and about the weather which is still quite cool as he has only just…
Writes of successful quick exchange of cables. Has sent them many letters by various means. They now have more liberty and can walk around. They are staying in normal hotel with shared bedrooms. Weather is cold because of height at present. Cannot…