Browse Items (9 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1941-01-28"

Alan gives details of service: 201 Squadron; 38 & 148 Squadron Wellington air gunner; 211 Squadron Blenheim Wireless Operator/Air Gunner; 35 Squadron Lancaster flight engineer; and 120 Squadron Lancaster and Shackleton pilot. He tells of first…

Jock begins the interview with joining up and first flying on 201 Squadron, with flying boats from Sullom Voe. He then, briefly, covers training as wireless operator/air gunner. He was posted to 38 Squadron Wellingtons in July 1940 at RAF Marham and…

Left page: top left, a report of a gorse fire on Harpenden Common. Centre, seagull in flight, annotated 'original photograph taken by Bob'.Top right, weather report; middle, attendees at a police dance, annotated 'Geoff Shaw was in the same squadron…

Frank's aircrew application for pilot or wireless operator / air gunner

Frank's aircrew recruit medical, found fit for aircrew.

Still waiting for letter number 3. Enquired at post office if they could cable him, not allowed. Hopes he is OK and talks of English winter. Mentions letters she had received and sent to others and passes on news.

Writes of current winter weather and wonders what it is like where he is. Writes of boys facing discomfort in severe weather and full of gratitude for the few who have done so much for so many. Continues to describe some activities . Writes about…

Writes to correct dates of termination of tenancy of their allotment. Explains arrangement she made with new tenant were misunderstood by him and what she intended to do now with her crops.


Jokes about receiving and envelope from him with nothing inside and wasting 2 1/2 pence. Writes of difficulties over allotment, disposal of crops and correspondence with town hall. Mentions presents for baby and her activities. Writes of packing and…
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