Letter to prisoner of war John Valentine from his wife Ursula
Letter to prisoner of war John Valentine from his wife Ursula
Writes that she is concerned that the battle front is getting close to his camp. Continues with news of activities in Devon, swimming and daughter's progress. Mentions that their house is now let and describes making clothes for their daughter. Concludes with statement that she does not know what to include in next parcel.
Temporal Coverage
Spatial Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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Start of transcription
[inserted] 16/11 [/inserted]
[stamp GEPRUFT 128]
Little Close,
Devon Road,
July 20th
My darling Johnnie,
Life is extremely peaceful here for us – I wonder what it is like for you? I am filled with dread and anxiety about you as the battle front gets nearer to you. It’s getting quite unbearable. God keep you safe, my dearest.
We have been having better weather here and have had several afternoons down on the beach. Frances simply loves the water& has now got a bathing cap, so she lies down & rolls over on the shallows & simply adores it. I have had a couple of swims too, though the water is still pretty chilly. She is getting quite brown, for she often removes her clothes and dances naked on the lawn at home – she is quite graceful now since her dancing lessons and really looks lovely with her golden curls bobbing in the sunlight. I have had her hair cut for the first time, about an inch or so off all over, really just the baby fluff, and now it curls up more crisply than ever and keeps much tidier – a great improvement altogether.
The house is now let for 2 months, at £3.10 pw. though I haven’t yet had the agreement to sign. The tenants are a man & wife – 14-year old daughter so they ought not to do an awful lot of damage if they are decent – as Mr Horne assures me they are. It makes
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me rather sad to think of other people living in our little house but I think it was the wisest thing to do in the circumstances. Anyway the house has never felt really complete since you’ve not yet lived in it, how marvellous when we are installed at last and all to ourselves!
I have been occupying my leisure time & trying to make up to my conscience for not having more work to do, by dressmaking for Frances, a pair of blue flowered pyjamas, and now a pale blue winter dress with lots of smocking on it. I think its going to look rather sweet. Next I must make her winter coat & trousers & then a blouse for me – the material for all these has been waiting for ages & I’ve just never had time to make them up! There doesn’t seem much spare time even here, for I help Mother in the house in the mornings, take Frances to the beach in the afternoon, & in the evenings we play bridge or Mah-jong! What a lazy life! Still I’m saving some money, & I suppose that’s something.
I am supposed to send off a clothing parcel to you next month but haven’t the faintest idea what to send or whether you are ever likely to receive it. I haven’t had a letter for about a month & feel awfully cut off from you somehow. How I long to have you safely home again my darling! God keep you safe & bring you safely home at last. Frances sends you a big kiss – she says she hopes you bring her a boiled egg & I tell her that’s [underlined] most [/underlined] unlikely! All my love dearest.
Yours always, Ursula.
[inserted] 16/11 [/inserted]
[stamp GEPRUFT 128]
Little Close,
Devon Road,
July 20th
My darling Johnnie,
Life is extremely peaceful here for us – I wonder what it is like for you? I am filled with dread and anxiety about you as the battle front gets nearer to you. It’s getting quite unbearable. God keep you safe, my dearest.
We have been having better weather here and have had several afternoons down on the beach. Frances simply loves the water& has now got a bathing cap, so she lies down & rolls over on the shallows & simply adores it. I have had a couple of swims too, though the water is still pretty chilly. She is getting quite brown, for she often removes her clothes and dances naked on the lawn at home – she is quite graceful now since her dancing lessons and really looks lovely with her golden curls bobbing in the sunlight. I have had her hair cut for the first time, about an inch or so off all over, really just the baby fluff, and now it curls up more crisply than ever and keeps much tidier – a great improvement altogether.
The house is now let for 2 months, at £3.10 pw. though I haven’t yet had the agreement to sign. The tenants are a man & wife – 14-year old daughter so they ought not to do an awful lot of damage if they are decent – as Mr Horne assures me they are. It makes
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me rather sad to think of other people living in our little house but I think it was the wisest thing to do in the circumstances. Anyway the house has never felt really complete since you’ve not yet lived in it, how marvellous when we are installed at last and all to ourselves!
I have been occupying my leisure time & trying to make up to my conscience for not having more work to do, by dressmaking for Frances, a pair of blue flowered pyjamas, and now a pale blue winter dress with lots of smocking on it. I think its going to look rather sweet. Next I must make her winter coat & trousers & then a blouse for me – the material for all these has been waiting for ages & I’ve just never had time to make them up! There doesn’t seem much spare time even here, for I help Mother in the house in the mornings, take Frances to the beach in the afternoon, & in the evenings we play bridge or Mah-jong! What a lazy life! Still I’m saving some money, & I suppose that’s something.
I am supposed to send off a clothing parcel to you next month but haven’t the faintest idea what to send or whether you are ever likely to receive it. I haven’t had a letter for about a month & feel awfully cut off from you somehow. How I long to have you safely home again my darling! God keep you safe & bring you safely home at last. Frances sends you a big kiss – she says she hopes you bring her a boiled egg & I tell her that’s [underlined] most [/underlined] unlikely! All my love dearest.
Yours always, Ursula.
Ursula Valentine, “Letter to prisoner of war John Valentine from his wife Ursula,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 14, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/20387.
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