Letter from Bill Akrill to his mother
Letter from Bill Akrill to his mother
Thanks her for parcel with food. Complains about food and mentions passing of summer. Mentions doing night flying and sleeping all day and that he was allowed to fly on trip from Holyhead to Mull of Galloway, not as much fun as Tiger Moth. Says he is going to station to see if his bicycle has arrived.
Temporal Coverage
Two page handwritten letter
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R.A.F. Station,
W. Freugh.
Dear Mum,
Ever so many thanks for the parcel just received. Its jolly good of you to send one 2 weeks in succession. I’m just about used to this food now & seem to thrive on it alright. I suppose its just “faddiness” but its really terrible stuff they have the cheek to dish up day after day, week after week. Still you don’t mind it after a time. Please thank Auntie for the cake.
Sorry about Mrs. Bains. Its very hard for poor Miss Bush.
Yes the summer seems to have gone again. It [underlined] was [/underlined] hot while it lasted. May get some more though as there are a lot of anti-cyclones about. The last one just missed us.
Been living like a fox for this last week, out all night & sleeping from dawn to noon. Prefer sleep at night but I suppose I shall have to work principally at night. The other day the pilot let me fly the [deleted] pla [/deleted] kite from Holyhead in Wales to the Mull of Galloway. It wasn’t as exciting as the Tiger Moth!
Must finish this or I’ll miss the bus to Stranraer. I am going to the station
[page break]
to see if my bike has got there. It should have by now.
Poor old Dave seems to be roped in at last! He’ll be glad though.
Love & Happy Birthday
[underlined] Bill [/underlined]
W. Freugh.
Dear Mum,
Ever so many thanks for the parcel just received. Its jolly good of you to send one 2 weeks in succession. I’m just about used to this food now & seem to thrive on it alright. I suppose its just “faddiness” but its really terrible stuff they have the cheek to dish up day after day, week after week. Still you don’t mind it after a time. Please thank Auntie for the cake.
Sorry about Mrs. Bains. Its very hard for poor Miss Bush.
Yes the summer seems to have gone again. It [underlined] was [/underlined] hot while it lasted. May get some more though as there are a lot of anti-cyclones about. The last one just missed us.
Been living like a fox for this last week, out all night & sleeping from dawn to noon. Prefer sleep at night but I suppose I shall have to work principally at night. The other day the pilot let me fly the [deleted] pla [/deleted] kite from Holyhead in Wales to the Mull of Galloway. It wasn’t as exciting as the Tiger Moth!
Must finish this or I’ll miss the bus to Stranraer. I am going to the station
[page break]
to see if my bike has got there. It should have by now.
Poor old Dave seems to be roped in at last! He’ll be glad though.
Love & Happy Birthday
[underlined] Bill [/underlined]
William Akrill, “Letter from Bill Akrill to his mother,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 10, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/18042.
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