Letter to David Donaldson from his father



Letter to David Donaldson from his father


Writes that he spent a pleasant Christmas with David's daughter and wife. Thanks him for present and catches up with family news.
He thanks David and Joyce for their Christmas present. Reports on his granddaughter and on his two other sons Ian (on leave in Ceylon) and Norman who has just turned 21.




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Two page handwritten letter


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Brambridge House
Eastleigh Hants
Dec 26th 1944
Dear David
Just a line to say we spent a very pleasant Xmas with your charming daughter & her mother who is a delightful hostess not to mention a most excellent cook. Frances has got as far as saying door! door! when she wants to get out of a room. She is most painstaking with regard to making the doll's bed & although she has a will of her own, as your mother says she is most reasonable & paid yr mother the compliment of howling when we came away. She and I went for a walk in the pram & the sunshine this morning & even
[page break]
P T A was very pleasant. I mean Frances was in the Pram.
This is a diversion I took up my pen to thank you and yr wife for the handsome present of golden liquid which you gave us or I should say liquid gold – we much enjoyed some of it on Xmas day. Anyhow it was very wicked of you both. Your mother is trying hard to get some help for Joyce in the house work – it must be a bit tiring doing it all & Frances as well
We have a letter tonight from Norman who is shifting about but seems to have got over his 21 B D & one from Ian on Sat from Ceylon where he has a bit of leave
Best of luck old friend
Yr affect Parent
T. Donaldson
Wing Co David W Donaldson DSO RAF



T Donaldson, “Letter to David Donaldson from his father ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 14, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/14962.

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