Letter to Toussainte



Letter to Toussainte


Douglas thanks Toussainte for the news, and compliments her English. Mention of how Christmas and New Year were spent, and of receiving letters from England. He wishes to continue the correspondence.

Additional information about this item was kindly provided by the donor.




Three page handwritten letter

Conforms To


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SHudsonJD755052v10025, SHudsonJD755052v10026, SHudsonJD755052v10027


Ma chère Toussainte,
[deleted] J'étais très heureux de recevoir votre lettre l'autre jour.
J'étais très charmé de votre lettre [/deleted]
J'étais très charmé [deleted] de recevoir [/deleted] [inserted] d'avoir [/inserted] de vos nouvelles, et je vous remercie infiniment. [insert] Je croyais aussi que peut-être vous m'auriez oubliée.[/insert]
Je pense comprendre bien tout ce que vous [insert] m'[/insert]avez écrit parce que vous écrivez de bon Anglais. [deleted] J’espère que j'écris aussi bien Si j'écris aussi bien Français je suis content.
J'ai [insert] bien [insert] passé [deleted] de bon [/deleted] [insert] le [/insert] Noël et tout le monde ici en avait beaucoup à manger et à boire.
Pendant les deux semaines passées j'ai reçu plusieurs lettres d'angleterre; de mes parents, et mes amis et relatifs. Ceux m'ont donnés beaucoup de plaisir, et maintenant
[page break]
je peux rester plus content.
Il m'a plu beaucoup de lire que vous garderez bien le [indecipherable word] que je vus ai donné. l’enseigne du R.U.F. aussi
Je regrette que que je n'ai pas de photographie ici de vous envoyer. [inserted] [deleted] Perhaps it will be better for me if[/deleted] [inserted ] I will [/inserted] finish my letter in English because I can express myself better this way.
I really did appreciate your letter and I am so glad that you think about me often. I [deleted] think about you[/deleted] am always thinking about you, [deleted] & it does help to make the days shorter[/deleted] and I wish I was free to see you again. [deleted] I felt very untidy & travel stained. [/deleted]
I have made enquiries here & I can write to you fairly often. [deleted] Do you [/deleted]
[page break],

I hope you wont object, because it is [deleted] such a pleasant thought [/deleted] [inserted] so nice [/inserted] to have someone near to send letters to.
If you [inserted] will [/inserted] write back I shall be very pleased, [deleted] & if [2 indecipherable words] [/deleted] you can write in French for it will be quick and easier for you, I shall enjoy translating your news into English.
I will say good bye now. When I go back to England I shall always remember you – my only girl friend in Africa.
Once again thank you ever so muc for your letter. It is a very precious souvenir.
With lots of love,
[underlined] Douglas [/underlined]



Douglas Hudson, “Letter to Toussainte,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 26, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/11004.

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