Browse Items (139 total)

  • Tags: Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945)

Photographs of dead German soldiers and on the reverse 'Hitler Mathematik' with figures set out on a blackboard.

The bombed Chancellery in Berlin. In the foreground a car lying on its side. On the reverse 'Reich Chancellry [sic] Berlin'.
A separate note adds background information and the date of the photograph.

A narrative about prisoners of war marching initially east from Frankfurt.

Seven Airmen and Halifax MZ282'Sweet Adeline' AL-A'. On the bomb is written '1000th Sortie. Don't give up Adolph there's more coming. The Bison Squadron'.
On the nose is 16 bombs and 'Sweet Adeline'.
It is annotated 'PL-29631'.

An 8000 pound bomb on a trolley with 16 airmen arranged behind it. Further behind is a Lancaster. The bomb has written on it 'Merry Christmas from the RCAF. An 8000lb present for Adolph. But if he can read this, he's lucky'. There are christmas…

The Stars and Stripes propaganda newsletter dropped on Germany by the USAAF.

USA propaganda leaflet covering bombs dropped on major German cities, American troops under training in the UK and the Russian front.

Appeals to Berliners to note the opposition to Hitler on several fronts, including the occupied territories. Industrial and agricultural production in North and South America are geared up against them. They are not told the truth by Goebbels. The…

A copy of The Star two days after D-Day. It contains war news, adverts, cartoons, local news and intimations.

An account of the Great Escape with maps, sketches and photographs. Details of the three tunnels are set out and the night of the escape. The tunnel construction is detailed as is the team of organisers, engineers, escape kit manufacturers and…

Article. Report on concentration camps recently overrun by allies. Asks who will be held responsible and then lists culprits and questions whether people hold any responsibility. Some discussion of totalitarian states and Nazism. Mentions Versailles…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the recovery of a crashed Blenheim in Holland, Roy Winton's fourth visit to Barth in 2000, the proposed erection of a memorial to RAF POWs, the Fallingbostel memorial project,…

A memoir written by a Royal Australian Air Force wireless operator. Firstly he describes major events in the war but he continues with his own experience training in Canada then commencing further training in the UK. Only three pages are…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: 'This stone was unlaid at Bremen by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshanks[sic], Sgt Conner)…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: 'This stone was unlaid at Duisburg by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, F/Sgt Stevens, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Conner)…

Cartoon with two men standing in front of a stone inscribed with names. In the background bombed buildings. Above a four engine bomber. Submitted with description 'Photo of a cartoon of Hitler and Goering standing in front of bomb damaged stone with…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: “This stone was unlaid at Dusseldorf by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Connor)…

Cartoon of the aftermath of an operation with a Lancaster flying overhead. It shows Hitler and Goering holding a candle in a holder lighting up a ruined building on which has been inscribed 'This stone was unlaid at Dusseldorf by 61 sqn F/sgt Turner,…
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