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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Top middle - poster and cast list for 'Home and Beauty'. Captioned 'F1 show poster'.
Centre left - four actors on stage, two in uniform, one dressed as a woman, one in pyjamas. Captioned 'F2 "Home and Beauty", Stalag Luft 3, Apr 43'.
Centre right…

Top row left - blurred image of two actors on stage with window in the background. Captioned 'E33 "For the love of Mike", Stalag Luft 3, Mar 43'.
Top row right - blurred image of one actor standing over another who is sitting in an armchair. In the…

Top left - Full length view of four men dressed in cowboy outfits standing in front of wooden hut. Captioned 'B10 "Aubrey Goes West", Stalag Luft 1, 41'.
Top middle - two men dressed as cowboy and cowgirl standing in front of wooden hut. Captioned…

Page titled 'Meet Mrs Mandon, Stalag Luft 3, Nov 1942'
Top left - Blurred image of fourteen men in two rows wearing a variety of civilian dress. Captioned '[..] "Meet Mrs Mandon", Stalag Luft 3. Nov'.
Top right - two actors, one in white waiters…

Top left - a model glider stood on wingtip. Captioned 'A[..] NCO's arts and crafts exhib. Stalag Luft 3'.
Top right - a model sailing ship. Captioned 'A11 NCO's arts and crafts exhib. Stalag Luft 3'.
Centre middle - A model sailing ship on a table…

Top left - blurred image of small unidentified model and a plaque. Captioned '[..........] arts and craft exhib, Stalag Luft 3, Aug [..]'.
Top middle - a model square rig sailing ship on a table. Captioned '[..] NCO's arts and crafts exhib, Stalag…

Top left - costumed actors and band of musicians on stage. Band has 'MM' on stands. Captioned 'B15 Officers' Show, Stalag Luft 1, 41'.
Top right - band of musicians on stage (with 'MM' on stands). Captioned 'B14 Officers' Show, Stalag Luft 1, 41'.…

Top left - blurred image of man sitting at grand piano. Captioned 'Frank Hunt's orchestral concert Stalag Luft 3'.
Top right - man playing grand piano. Captioned 'Frank Hunt's orchestral concert Stalag Luft 3, Feb [..]'.
Centre left - partially…

Top left - orchestra on stage being conducted. Captioned 'D35 Frank Hunt's orchestral concert, Stalag Luft 3'.
Top right - orchestra on stage with conductor. Captioned 'Frank Hunt's orchestral concert, Stalag Luft 3, Feb 43'.
Centre middle -…

Top left - a man with head above water behind a model boat. Captioned 'D43 WO Bristow's Steam Boat, Stalag Luft 3, 42'.
Top middle - a man in vest sitting on the side of a pool while another in front of him tends a steam boat model in the water.…

Top left - eleven men standing and kneeling in three rows in front of a hut. Captioned 'B55 NCO's soccer team, Stalag Luft 1. 41'.
Top right - group of men wearing shorts and muddy kit in front of wire fence with huts and spectators behind.…

Top left - German officer walking in front of horse drawn cortege with parade behind. Snow covered ground and in the background trees, Captioned 'B48 Funeral of Sgt J C Shaw, Stalag Luft 1, Jan 42'.
Top right - grave with flowers on top and trees…

Top left - parade of airmen wearing greatcoats standing in line in the snow. Captioned 'B47 Funeral of Sgt J C Shaw, Stalag Luft 1, Jan 42'.
Top right - propeller blades with iron cross and swastika on grave. Captioned 'Funeral of Sgt J C Shaw,…

Top left - a man looking closely at a model ship on a table. In the background other figures. Captioned 'A10 NCO's Arts and Crafts Exhib, Stalag Luft 3'.
Top middle - four posters/drawings mounted on wall. Captioned 'A15 NCO's Arts and Crafts…

Top left - seven men playing hockey on ice. Two are on the ground. In the background a guard tower and line of spectators. Captioned 'B21 Officers v NCO's, Stalag Luft 1. Feb [..]'.
Top middle - the backs of men playing ice hockey. In the…

Top left - six prisoners of war sitting at table eating. Captioned 'B38 Christmas 1940, Dulag Luft'.
Top right - a large number of prisoners of war sitting at several long tables all looking at camera. Captioned 'B37 Christmas 1940, Dulag Luft'.…

Top left - a guard tower taken through barbed wire. Captioned 'F36 Dulag Luft'.
Top middle - a wooden guard tower with telegraph wires and fence to the right and church in the background on the left. Captioned 'F29 Stalag Luft 1'.
Top right - a…

Top - a panoramic view using three photographs of huts in POW camp captioned 'F32 Stalag Luft 1'.
Bottom left - view of single storey hut with icicles in foreground top. Captioned 'F34 Dulag Luft.
Bottom middle - a manned guard post behind barbed…

Congratulates him on safe arrival home and encloses a cheque from welcome fund.

Informs her that her prisoner of war son has been promoted to the rank of flight sergeant form 28 August 1943 and warrant officer from 28 August 1944.

Addressed to Stalag Luft 1. Welcomes him to Caterpillar Club and encloses membership card.

States that Tom Whitehead was released from service as a Warrant Officer on 14 April 1946.

Made out to and signed by T Whitehead. Life membership. On the reverse an eagle with barbed wire surround.

Includes: editorial matters; all in a day's work; life in a Japanese prison camp; fun and games; letters they write home; official reports from the camps; group photographs from the camps; how next of kin are helping (including knitting pattern for…

Includes: editorial matters; reading in camp; official reports from the camps (two pages missing); the letters they write home; fun and games, our generous helpers (fund raising at home); group photographs from the camps; news from the far east;…
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