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Vertical aerial photograph of Udine main aerodrome, taken during bombing operations. No detail is visible on the photograph due to anti-aircraft fire. It is captioned '2483 37/323 17/18 Nov 44. F8"//NT. 7500' -->345° 2059. UDINE MAIN A/D W. 9x500lbs…

A vertical aerial photograph of the San Benedetto pontoon bridge. Most of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. It is captioned '2249. 37/275. 30/1 Oct 44. F8"//NT.7500' --> S. BENEDETTO PONTOON BR.Q. Cpt BAYFORD. P. Sgt CROUCHER (Air…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Portes les Valences. Anti-aircraft fire can be seen on the image. It is captioned '1821 TOR 3/4 Aug 1944//NT F8 4800 -->006° 2355. PORTES LES VALENCES. R.6 x 500 lbs MkIII 15 secs Sgt TAYLOR…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Ficarolo pontoon bridge. Some of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. It is captioned '2466 37/322. 16/17 Nov. 44. F8//NT. 9000' --> 315°. 20.02 FICAROLO PONTOON BR. H. 1 x 4000. Mk…

Four vertical aerial photographs taken during the bombing of Uzice, numbered 2603, 2604, 2605 and 2606. On 2603 bombs are seen dropping. Bomb explosions obscure part of the image. It is captioned '2603/2604/2605/2606. 37/329 23.Nov.44 F8//10,200'…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Rimini. Most of the image is obscured by bomb explosions and anti-aircraft fire. It is captioned 'Sgt CROUCHER (AIR BOMBER)' on LH side. At bottom: '2187.37/263. 18/19 Sept.44.F8"//NT.…

A vertical aerial photograph of Kraljevo taken during bombing operations at the marshalling yards . The right side is partly obscured by anti-aircraft fire but main roads and the river are clearly visible. It is captioned '1849. TOR. 10/11 AUG…

A vertical aerial photograph of Podgorica taken during bombing operations. The top half is largely obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Street patterns are visible. It is captioned '2536. 37/325. 19/20. Nov. 44. F/8"//NT. 8300' -->050° 20.30 Podgorica…

A sequence of nine vertical aerial photographs taken during the bombing of Podgorica. They are numbered 2408 to 2416. The first image shows a single bomb being dropped.
It is captioned '2408. 37/312 6. Nov. 1944. F8"//9,400' --> 1529½ D.J. 37.…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during bombing of Genoa. The right side has several flashes of anti-aircraft fire. Street patterns, docks and buildings are visible. It is captioned '1879. TOR 13-14 Aug 44 //NT F/8" 8300 -->326 2230 Genoa K 9 x 500…

Is sending 80 prints of operation on Gnome Rhone works, as requested

To Air Ministry concerning bombing results. 700 bombs being plotted possibly undershooting. Request they must get Mosquito by next moon.

Classified Secret on Vickers-Armstrong headed paper. Thanks Cheshire for lending him distribution chart for 617 squadron. Looking at revised probability data. Graphs sent to Director Bombing Ops.

On Vickers-Armstrong headed paper classified secret. Write saying that he will send bombing charts at once.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Hegyeshalom. Most of the image is obscured by bomb explosions and smoke. It is captioned 'SGT CROUCHER (AIR BOMBER) on LH side and at bottom: '2210. 37/265. 20/21 Sept 1944. F8"//NT.…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Szombathely. No detail is visible due to anti-aircraft explosions. It is captioned '1831.TOR.7/8 AUG.1944//NT.F8". 4500: ->330°0102½.Szombathely.A/D
R.18x250lbs.MKIII 15secs.Sgt…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Smederevo. No detail is visible due to anti-aircraft flashes. It is captioned '1758. TOR 16/17 JULY 1944.//NT F8 4100' -->052°. 2253. Smederevo. L. 9 x 500 lb P6 Lt.Bayford. H. 37.'

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Szombathely aerodrome. The left side of the image is obscured by explosions and smoke. It is captioned ' 2393. 37/307. 20/21.10.44. F8//NT.8000' -->020°. 21.57.Szombathely A/D. X. 9x500. MkIII…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the bombing of Szombathely South marshalling yard. Fields and a wood are visible with connecting grid of road. It is captioned ' 2. 37/328. 22/23 NOV.44. F8"//NT.7300' -->210°. 2005 . Szombathely South M/Y.…

Night oblique aerial photograph showing a town with flares top centre. On the reverse 'Cam 1, Neg 1, 10.4.44, 150, St Cyr Airpark, 617,S/Lfr Munro, Lancaster, 0200,orbiting,10000/6000'.

A 12000 lb bomb on a bomb trolley . In the background a camouflaged revetment with other smaller bombs.
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