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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Number 17. Reports no letters arrived and catches up with friends/family matters. He recalls the time around France’s birth and how tough the time has been for Ursula since then. Writes of health issues. Mentions a play 'The Merchant of Venice' is…

Number 16. Reports letters arrives and sends thanks for tobacco parcels. Request she send him violin studies and that his new instructor is taking him seriously but he has progressed little despite much practising. Requests she send him farming…

Number 15. Records letters that he has received and mentions how valuable they are to him. Mentions that typewritten ones seem to arrive quicker. Says he has a new violin teacher. Writes he is looking forward to more photographs, that he is…

Number 15. Reports her letter 51 arrived. Urges her not to buy house due to their limited capital and potential disaster in farming investment. Suggest she rents if finds something suitable and speculates over future employment.

Number 13. Discusses future farming enterprise and working through county agricultural advisers. Mentions costs, type of farm. location, transport, need to be close to railway, going to agricultural college when he returns and that he misses her.

Number 12. Has received letter and discusses future with affordability for house, agricultural activities, transport, mortgages and other costs. Talks of some properties she has seen and way forward through agricultural journals rather than London…

Number 11. He has a new violin instructor and hopes this one lasts longer than the last one did. A New Zealander called Frank Hurst is to perform in a light classical concert next week. Mentions health and concern over fellow Belgian prisoner. No…

Number 10. Reports no mail but Red Cross parcels coming in. Recounts his own feelings and activities. Notes his 300th day in captivity while some others have 1300 days.

Number 9. Has heard from Caterpillar Club that badges are being sent. Reports food parcel from Lisbon and list contents. Writes of damage to his gold ring. Writes of activities and rumour of move. Mentions lice have disappeared and provides cryptic…

Number 8. Has received no mail. Mentions health, playing soccer and two hours a day on violin. He is dabbling in agriculture but Dutch is slipping. Writes he is getting fed up with his Dutch room mates. Mentions discover of lice and upcoming…

Number 7. Reports no mail. Writes of rumour of move for which he would be sorry as they are well treated there, weather is good and a lot of work has been dome organising. Try another violin instructor.

Number 6. Writes of health issues and asks her not to send anything which he has not ask for as storage limited. Discusses future in farming and possibility of living out in the country. Notes mail arrival falling off and talks of 'belting' (any type…

Number 5. Writes glowingly of rug that was sent and he would like another if possible. Writes about all the photographs he has. Discusses the love life of one of his fellow prisoners and expresses wish that the same will not happen to them. Still…

Number 4. Reports arrival of anonymous parcels of tobacco and request she trace senders and thank them. Writes he is trying to play soccer once a week to keep fit.

Number 3. He mentions the letters and parcels he has received from different people and also comments on his health. He wishes he could be home for his daughter’s second birthday. Says he enjoyed recent show and that he discovered an officer in…

Number 2. Requests items to be sent and records letters received with photographs. Sends condolences and mentions shock over news about previous boss. Records parcels arriving from Sweden and America. Writes of diminution of appetite possibly due to…

Number 1. Writes that he is starting new numbering system, last was 59. Records letters and comments he has received and says books from Sweden are welcome. Writes they had outbreak of fleas and of effect on him. He has now recovered from illnesses…

Number 59. Mentions receiving tobacco and cigarettes from his father. Misses seeing daughter develop. Caught cold by practising violin in unheated lavatory annex. Photographs she sent give him great pleasure. Concludes with sending birthday greetings…

Number 58. Lists letters received and mentions medicine and request she send violin strings. Sorry that American parcels have stopped. Writes about future home appliances and mentions music theory study. Is delighted with photographs she sent of…

Number 57. Writes saying he has not been reading the mostly thriller books from Stockholm and will give them to the library. He goes on to give his opinion on the entertainment in the camp and mentions some of the various productions. He mentions…

Number 56. Thanks her for 200 cigarettes and has discovered the source of books sent although one was banned. He writes that he feels fitter as he has started playing football. He is anxious to hear her truthful thoughts of when she thinks he will…

Number 55. Thanks her for a parcel and he asks her to trace the sender of some books he has received. He also mentions that he is looking forward to a concert that the Symphony Orchestra will perform the following day. He goes on to explain how he…

Number 54. Received cigarette parcels and ask her to trace and thank donors. Notes parents worried that he is not acknowledging their parcels and writes that he has done so but letters may have gone mussing and that he is limited to two letters and…

Number 53. Catches up with letters and parcels arrived. Has no other requirements for clothes apart from those already mentioned. Comments on his poor ability with violin. Reports that mail is poring into camp now.

Number 52. He still has concerns about Ursula taking on a new job in a factory and asks her some details of the job. A third parcel has come from America containing about 10 lb of food. Thanks her for violin strings and describes lessons. Writes…
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