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  • Tags: strafing

Leading Aircraftsman Richard Moore served as ground crew at RAF Locking, RAF Squires Gate and RAF Wickenby. He joined up at age eighteen and completed his basic training in Linconshire. He worked on the several types of aircraft. He was able to…

Interview in two parts.
Part one.
Christopher Francis Allison, (b. 1925, 3007708, Royal Air Force) answers questions from school children about what it was like to fly in a Lancaster. He served as a flight engineer and was demobbed after two years…

Interview in three parts.

Part 1.
Doug Marsh was the son of a Royal Navy officer and moved around quite a bit as a child between Kent and Lincolnshire. When his father retired from the Navy his parents bought a fish and chip shop in Grimsby but…

William Bilton recounts his 6 years of service in the RAF Marine Section from 1940-1946. During his time in Air Sea Rescue, he served in the UK and Europe, assisting RAF operations from the waters. At his first posting in Dover, William was…
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