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  • Tags: entertainment

Number 57. Writes saying he has not been reading the mostly thriller books from Stockholm and will give them to the library. He goes on to give his opinion on the entertainment in the camp and mentions some of the various productions. He mentions…

Number 1. Writes that he is starting new numbering system, last was 59. Records letters and comments he has received and says books from Sweden are welcome. Writes they had outbreak of fleas and of effect on him. He has now recovered from illnesses…

Number 3. He mentions the letters and parcels he has received from different people and also comments on his health. He wishes he could be home for his daughter’s second birthday. Says he enjoyed recent show and that he discovered an officer in…

Number 11. He has a new violin instructor and hopes this one lasts longer than the last one did. A New Zealander called Frank Hurst is to perform in a light classical concert next week. Mentions health and concern over fellow Belgian prisoner. No…

Number 17. Reports no letters arrived and catches up with friends/family matters. He recalls the time around France’s birth and how tough the time has been for Ursula since then. Writes of health issues. Mentions a play 'The Merchant of Venice' is…

Number 18 date 5.3.43 [sic]. Reports letters arrived one having taken four months. Now has all the letters she has sent. Glad to hear all the news. Writes he is still in the dark about her factory job and requests information. Is fully occupied with…

Number 21. He writes of his life and occurrences in prisoner of war camp. He mentions attending a camp concert, new arrivals at the camp, overcrowding, bad weather, monotonous existence and visit by brother of Dutch room mate. Says he is looking…

Number 30. Writes that reprisals for minor offences have increased affecting sport, theatre, news sheets, increased number of parades and worse relations with camp guards. Notes that recently arrived concert pianist has left for another camp. No…

Thanks her for letter and cake. Says he is unhappy particularly over rainy weather and polishing boots. Writes of church parade and offending the padre with swearing. Continues with recounting visit to local ladies for afternoon tea. Continues…

Last letter from Grantham telling of daily activities, laundry, cinema, letters received, her recent birthday. Catches up with news of family and friends. Writes about pay, weather and that he will be glad to leave current location.

Thanks her for card and arrival date. Hopes she can come a day earlier as he has next afternoon off. Mentions her parcel had not turned up and he had seen Chaplin film. Writes there has been outbreak of flu on his flight and hopes he will not catch…

He asks for a cigarette machine and a diary. His health is good. They are having a sports meeting plus board games, lectures and concerts.

He has had no mail from her. Its been raining again. He is rehearsing for a concert party. No sport this week because of the weather.

He has had 4 letters and 200 cigarettes. They have been plating knock-out whist. They are having a concert that evening.

He has had two letters. They are having a concert that night. He discusses the small amount of money that they receive and how it is spent.

He has only had one letter. He dislocated his finger playing basketball. They are having three plays that night.

He has received two letters. He has been playing football. The compound band is playing a concert that night. He is well and in good spirits.

He has three letters. 500 new prisoners have arrived in the camp. They have been watching a play. One sentence has been censored.

He has received more cigarettes and one letter. There has been major football matches and drama club activity.

Only two Christmas cards from Nellie received. Church service, football and a variety show to look forward to at Christmas. Weather is very poor. He is in good health and spirits. He describes the Christmas menu.

Only one letter this week. He describes Christmas breakfast and dinner in detail. Followed by sing songs and a dance.

He tells his mother that not much has happened. He says it is warm enough to sunbathe and they hade the usual entertainments, concerts, sports, lectures, classes and debates. He is well.

He has received a letter from his mother. He has left the camp at Prato for a new camp. They are having a concert that night. It is much colder and there is snow in the mountains.

No letters but he received a parcel with clothes. Soap was missing but they liked the chocolate. He received 200 cigarettes from Flo Sharpe. His friend Bill has not been getting many letters and asks his mum to contact Bill's mother. He has been to a…

He has received 200 cigarettes and a half pound of tobacco, also four letters. They still have the gramophone and a play for entertainment and football. Weather is good.
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