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The interviewee recalls her wartime years at Cordenons, from the day the outbreak of the war was announced on the radio. She describes how she anticipated the air raid siren with a mixture of elation and fear, being somewhat eager to skip school. She…

She tells of her life in Berlin before, during and after the war. She lived with her mother in a block of flats close to the home of her grandparents. Her father died when she was nine years old. During the war she collected shrapnel as souvenirs…

A propaganda leaflet with a jackboot and swastika image. The text gives examples of the brutality of the Nazi regime, to Germans and to countries invaded.

In a farmhouse, three civilians are being interrogated by soldiers in fascist and nazi uniforms. The prisoner in the foreground is being tortured by strappado i.e. suspending the entire weight of the person on their wrists, which are tied together…

Barbarous vengeance for Heydrich. Account of execution of men in Czech village of Lidice after assassination of Reinhard Heydrich.


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