German "Peace"



German "Peace"


A propaganda leaflet with a jackboot and swastika image. The text gives examples of the brutality of the Nazi regime, to Germans and to countries invaded.





One double sided printed sheet


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[picture of jackboot with Nazi spur]


This jackboot tramples on the lives of men, of women and of children in all the countries over which the Nazis rule to-day.

A German “peace” does not mean a change of government. It would mean that everybody’s daily life, whether poor or rich, would be run the Nazi way-everybody slaves to German masters! Their spies everywhere. Their guns and rubber truncheons bossing people, from morning until night. Those who do not please them imprisoned, tortured or shot.

Remember what has happened wherever Germans rule.

A German girl-she might have been your daughter-was sent to prison for 18 months for dancing with a Polish prisoner. A shopkeeper got 6 years’ imprisonment for selling cloth without a ration card. A whole

[page break]

family got 5 1/2 years' imprisonment for listening to a non-German Wireless station. Forty-six people were executed for “black-out” offences. These were Germans. In Poland, 150 Boy Scouts, between 10 and 16 years of age were shot down by machine-guns in the market square. They might have been your sons.

The Gestapo Rules

When the Germans enter a country, their terrible secret police come into every home. There is a knock the door. They have come to seize your house. This happened one night to 6,000 people living in a town in Czecho-Slovakia. They were turned out, into the winter street, to make room for Germans. The same thing happened to people on farms in the country : the farms were taken : the owners left to starve.

Or the secret police have come because somebody in the house is accused of having said something, some time, against the Germans. It may be that he belongs to a Trade Union. That is a crime for which thousands have died. Anyhow, he is taken away. His family never see him again. His family never see him again. They never know why or where he is gone. At last, one day, a small parcel is delivered. The wife or mother opens it. Inside are ashes : all that is left of her dear one. This is not imaginary it actually happened.

The Fate of the Children

Fathers and mothers have to see their children taught, by Nazi teachers, to spy on their parents; and watch them being hammered into a Nazi shape. They have to see them going short of food. Rations for non-Germans are smaller than for Germans. The little savings they have pinched and struggled to collect, for their children's future, are seized. Home life is broken up : the breadwinner is compelled to go to work wherever his German master sends him. He has to leave his family behind, and is paid so little that he cannot help them. Czech and Polish, Danish, and Dutch workers have been sent away to toil in Germany.

It shall not be

Make no mistake-a German " peace " would mean ruin and misery for all of us--poor and rich, worker and employer, young and old.

But there shall be no German "peace."

We have a great Army; an Air Force incomparable in quality and courage : a Navy more powerful than any combination against it. We have behind us the resources of the Empire and of the United States. Our own workers are piling up supplies by their magnificent devotion. This is the People’s war against German “peace.”




Issued by the Ministry of Information

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Great Britain. Ministry of Information, “German "Peace",” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 10, 2024,

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