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  • Tags: final resting place

Letter to Pilot Officer Blandford's father, thanking him for his letter, celebrating the fact that his son had survived and sharing the news that Robert and other crew members had died.

A letter referring to the crash of the Lancaster at Courboin. Two coffins were made and the airmen were buried in the graveyard with a full ceremony.

Draft letter from Stephen Boldy to the Imperial War Graves Commission stating that the name of David Boldy does not appear on the Roll of Honour at Runnymede and asking for appropriate steps to be taken.

Letter to LM Boldy regarding the crash in which Flight Sergeant David Boldy was killed. Details about his burial place in Danzig (Gdańsk) are provided.

Confirms previous telegram that Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs now believed to have lost his life as a result of air operations on night 15/16 March 1944. Information received that Lancaster crashed at Blerancourt, France and all seven crew were…

Invitation to visit relative graves in Holland from the Netherlands War Graves Committee through the British Legion. Provides list of dates and gives details of arrangements.

A letter to the Bower family from the Imperial War Graves Commission explaining about headstones and inscriptions on their son's grave. On the reverse is handwritten references.

Imperial War Graves Commission are asking Jessie Redgrave to complete a form requesting additional information regarding Harry Redgrave's headstone.

Advising that her son has been reported missing, believed killed following the discovery of the seventh member of the crew. Confirming interment of the unidentified body in the cemetery at St. Trond and that a request for information of personal…

The letter advises that Albert has been reinterred at a British Military Cemetery at Cleve.

The letter advises Albert's father that his son is buried in Dusseldorf.

The letter advises Albert's mother about visiting his grave and enclosing a leaflet with details.

Informs him that confirmation had been received through the Red Cross that his son was killed in action on 28 January 1942. He was buried in military cemetery in Düsseldorf.

Notes that the remains of Sergeant A J Dickerson were removed from Düsseldorf cemetery and reverently re-interred in the Reichswald Forest British war cemetery.

Handwritten translation of original Germany reporting her request for information about the shooting down and death of her father. Writes that crew were buried on 6 December 1943 is St Anne's (?) Cemetery. They were shot down by a night fighter on 3…

Letter sent in response to an enquiry about provision of a headstone for Aubrey's grave and obtaining a photograph of the grave. Letter informs his mother that the Imperial War Graves Commission provides head stones and that the British Legion have a…

Covering letter for the photograph of the temporary cross marking the grave of Aubrey and the other members of his crew. Photograph of the grave. On the reverse 'Grave 9-12, Row B, Plot. Brittish [sic] Military Cemetary, Bad Tolz, Durnbach, Germany.'

Covering letter for a form that the Commission would like Aubrey's mother to complete to enable them to provide an appropriate headstone for Aubrey's grave. Specimen of the headstone.

The letter advises that his son died in a crash near Berlin although his body has not been identified.

The letter advises that the grave of Charles has been found and he has been reinterred in the British Military Cemetery at Hamburg.

The letter thanks Doris for her letter. The Air Ministry have told him Monty is buried at Otternhagen. He invites Doris to visit.

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Concerns the removal of her son Reg's grave from the cemetery on St. Trond to the British Cemetery at Louvain, together with those of his crew, for better care and maintenance. Provides location details of his new grave and advises that a photograph…

Informs that Royal Australian Air Force have advised that Flight Sergeant Payne was buried in the local cemetery at Court L'Evegue.

Note advising her that Flight Sergeant Payne M H and members of his crew are buried in the local cemetery of Court L'Eveque.

Advising her that information had been received from the Municipal Councillor of Arc En Barrios about the crash of Malcolm Payne's aircraft on 13 July 1944 and the burial of seven crew in the local cemetery at Court L'Eveque. News had been passed to…
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