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  • Tags: bombing

Table with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights for five configurations.

Shows several bomb loads for operation. Details preselection and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, Window, timings, route and marking method. Mentions Pathfinders and notes bombing instructions. Page is struck through and…

Shows a number of bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, Window, effort level, route, marking method. Pathfinders, and bombing instructions. On the reverse more bombing…

Table with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights for four configurations. Annotated 'Stuttgart' at top.

Shows five bomb loads for two, one, seven, four and one aircraft respectively. Details preselection settings and other information. Includes weights, timings and other details. On the reverse route and other information.

Table with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights for four configurations

Shows two bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, time interval and false height settings. Includes weights, Window, times, marking method and bombing instructions. Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large letters. On the…

Table with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights for two configurations for four and three aircraft repectively.

Shows two bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, time interval and false height settings as well as other information. Includes weights, timing, effort level, Window, Pathfinder marking and bombing instructions. Mentions route markers and…

Table with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights for two configurations of six aircraft respectively.

Table with tare, petrol WS&D Window, bomb and take off all up weights for four configurations.

Shows two bomb loads for six and seven aircraft annotated H2S respectively. Details preselection, time interval and false height settings. Includes timing, weights, Window effort, route and marking method. as well as bombing instructions. Page is…

Aerial photographs of the bombing of the Gnome Rhone aero engine works. Photograph 1 is a vertical aerial photograph of a bombing attack on the Gnome Rhone works. Much of the image is obscured by smoke and explosions. On the reverse 'Raid on Gnome…

An vertical aerial photograph of Brest docks. Annotated 'S/M Shelters'.

A vertical target photograph of Munich being bombed. Much of the detail is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Captioned '66 WS. 24/25.4.44 // NT8” 18500 [arrow] 026 0145 Munich.RD. A 6RS. 6JCL 29 SECS F/O KNIGHTS A 617.'

A target photograph of the…

A vertical aerial photograph much obscured by cloud, smoke and explosions. Captioned '671 LOS. 29.10.44 14000 330 07.52 TIRPITZ B1 1x12000 C.31 Secs F/Lt KNIGHTS 0.617'.
The Tirpitz firing its guns, taken from onboard the vessel.

Five veterans standing beside a bouncing bomb exhibit. Behind is the front of a Lancaster 'C'. Captioned 'Bill Howarth rear gunner on Dams raid (far left)'.

A Lancaster flying over the nose of another Lancaster 'C'.

Title 'A/C AUW'. Table with tare, petrol, WS&D, Window, bomb and take off all up weights. Three configurations, main with eight aircraft, H2S with seven aircraft and support with two.

Annotated 'Stuttgart, MINOL YLXZTU'. Shows three bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, Window, effort level and marking method. Mentions Pathfinders, route marking and…

The obituary of Flight Lieutenant Bob Knights. It details his operations on the Tirpitz, his early life, his training in Florida, his time with 617 Squadron and his role with BOAC after the war until his retirement in 1976.

Title 'A/C AUW'. Table with tare, petrol, WS&D, Window, actual bomb and take off all up weights. Includes increase to full petrol and decrease mB load. Groups two configurations under Force A, main and main/H2S with four aircraft each. Three aircraft…

Shows four bomb loads for operation for four, four with H2S, two and three aircraft respectively. Details preselection and delay settings. Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large letters.

A port side view of Lancaster AJ-P from the film of the Dam Busters. Its tail is up and is either landing or taking off.

Title 'A/C AUW'. Table with tare, petrol, Window, spare, actual bomb and take off all up weights. Columns for main (five aircraft), H2S (six aircraft), windfinder crossed out (two aircraft), WS&D H2S crossed out (two aircraft) and H2S (one aircraft)

Annotated 'Augsburg, MINOL Filled, SXUHOTML'. ) Shows four bomb loads for operation for seven, six, one and two aircraft respectively. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, zero hour, Window,…
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