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  • Tags: pilot

18 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Hawker Hart. Information supplied with the collection states '1932 No 33 Squadron (Bill is back row 5th from right)'. At the front is a cup. Four of the officers have walking sticks.

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A newspaper cutting with cartoons of Captain Swales, German fighters, Lancasters under attack and airmen baling out. It is annotated 7hs 40 Trip No 33.

26 airmen arranged in three rows. They are all dressed in shorts and khaki. Behind are palm trees. On the reverse several of the men have signed their names plus 'No 9 Admin Course March 1946 RAF Kandy Ceylon'.
There is a second identical copy.

Full length image of an airman wearing great coat with pilot officer rank and side cap standing on grass with a Wellington in the background. On the reverse 'Co-pilot (Pilot Officer Sznidel)'. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with…

Half length image of two airmen both wearing greatcoats and side caps. The man on the left has pilot officer rank, the man on the right sergeants rank and a medal on his coat. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Granddad (right) with…

A senior officer in centre pinning decoration on a Polish sergeant pilot who is standing in line with several other airmen. In the background a hangar. On the reverse 'Brorzek Lindholme, decorated May 1942'. Two versions of the same image, the second…

View looking up at an airman wearing flying helmet on the right side of Wellington cockpit. The arm of the pilot in left hand seat is visible on the right of the image. On the reverse 'Grandads co-pilot (Pilot Officer Sznidel) and grandads arm with…

Three airmen standing in line. The two left and right hold parachute packs and the man in the centre wears a parachute harness. In the background a Wellington. On the reverse 'Grandad (left) with wireless operator (centre) and co-pilot (right) in…

Two airmen wearing tunics with Polish pilot's brevet sitting on a soda and a female in uniform tunic sitting on the knee of airman on the left. Both airman are holding a pint beer glasses.

Four airmen, one officer on the left and three Polish pilots on the right, all wearing tunics and side or peaked caps standing on hardstanding with hangar in the background.

Four airmen wearing tunic or battledress each with medal and ribbon, and side caps standing in line with arms round each other. Airmen on left and right have Polish pilot's brevet.

Three men arm in arm standing in front of the rear fuselage of a Lublin R-XIV aircraft of 66 Eskadra Towarzysząca with chameleon insignia below turret ring. Another man stands behind and there are other aircraft and a hangar in the background. Three…

Two men, one in uniform, the other shirt sleeves standing by a Lublin R-XIV aircraft of 66 Eskadra Towarzysząca with chameleon emblem on fuselage. Another man stands by engine. On the reverse 'two instructors at grandads pilot school'. Three…

A airman wearing flying suit sitting on the port undercarriage wheel of a high-wing single engine aircraft (RWD-8). On the reverse handwriting in Polish and date '10/XII/1936' and 'PLZ - P26 Biplane trainer'. Three versions of the same image, the…

A pilot wearing helmet and goggles sitting in the cockpit of a high wing singe engine aircraft (RWD-8). On the reverse 'Grandad in the rear of a PZL-P26 trainer'. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with note 'img382' and…

In the foreground, three airmen sitting on grass and another standing by a flag watching an aircraft (RWD-8) in the distance with another airman standing in middle distance. On the reverse 'Grandad watching his pupil take off'. Three versions of the…

A group of airmen sitting and standing on grass by a flag with aircraft in the distance. On the reverse 'pupils waiting for their turn to fly'. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'pupils waiting their turn to fly' and…

Two pilots wearing flying suits and helmets, one with parachute, both standing on an airfield, one looking up. In the background a hangar. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img189' and the third 'img388'.

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A large group of airmen wearing flying suits and helmets huddled together on airfield. On the reverse 'A group of pilots at the pilot school. Grandad is at the far right'. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with note 'img380' and…

An airman wearing parachute and flying helmet stands talking to two other airmen wearing helmets and parachutes and two airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps. In the background a large tent and groups other airmen. On the reverse 'an instructor…

Three-quarter length view of a pilot wearing flying suit, helmet and parachute standing on airfield in front of a hangar. Four versions of the same image, the second submitted with information ' img073', the third with 'img201' and the fourth…

Full length image of a pilot wearing flying suit, helmet and goggles standing on Lwów-Skniłów airfield with hangars in the background. Two versions of the same image, the second submitted with information 'img411'.

A pilot wearing flying suit standing by the tail of a high wing single engine aircraft (RWD-8). On the left part of a hangar. On the reverse 'PZL-P26 Biplane trainer [sic]'. Five versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'A…

Pilot sitting in the cockpit of a high wing single engine aircraft (RWD-8) with other aircraft in the distance. On the reverse 'A PZL-P26 biplane trainer [sic]'. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with caption 'P2L-P26 Trainer…

In the foreground and airman with unbuttoned jacket standing looking up. Behind him another airman with peaked cap sitting on a stool and another wearing tunic and peaked cap both looking up. In the distance two pilots wearing flying suits and…

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