Browse Items (59 total)

  • Collection: Brooks, William Alfred

Letter to Bill's father from Station Commander RAF Melbourne, regarding the disposal of Bill's effects as he has failed to return from an operation.

To Bill's father from OC 10 Squadron offering his condolence as Bill did not return from an op.

Two photographs, one of three individuals on the veranda of their billet the other of Dalhousie Obelisk, Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall, rear right former Supreme Court, Central area of Singapore.

Two photographs, one of racks of stores, second is of seven individuals, six crouching one standing, on the grass in front of single story buildings.

Three photographs, first badly damaged vehicle, second small ship in a harbour, third Jeep towing a loaded trailer parked on a quay, bungalows on stilts in background.

Three photographs, first two individuals posing with Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background, second the Grand mansion on Mount Sophia Singapore, third soldier posed on bumper of military vehicle outside a building.

Two photographs, first individual posing with military vehicle in front of a building, second is of two individuals posing with a Jeep and two trailers outside a building, trees in the background.

Two photographs, first of five soldiers posed on the harbour quayside, second is of a two story building.

Two photographs of Singapore harbour taken from a paved surface overlooking the harbour, bushes on the edge of the surface on first photograph, part of a building visible on the second one.

Two photographs, heavy rain in both, first open space with narrow road winding through, trees in the distance. Second of building half way up a small rise, rain pouring down the steps.

A large liner in the middle of the harbour.

Informal group of 13 soldiers, in two rows, variety of dress, wire fence in background. Captioned 'What no girls?'.

Four photographs, first captioned 'St Andrews Singapore', second captioned 'Swiming (sic) Pool Singapore', third captioned G.P.O. Singapore Harbour', fourth captioned 'Jap suicide boat from R Brani'.

Five soldiers, posed in two rows, brick wall in background.

Four photographs, first of rugged valley, captioned 'From the rear of billet'. second large buildings in tree covered area, third is individual in foreground, harbour in background, fourth is G.P.O. Singapore Harbour.

Two photographs, first, soldier seated outside, upper torso, no shirt, arms crossed, pipe in mouth, building in background. Second same soldier seated in cane chair outside, two locals standing.

Four photographs showing shipping in Singapore harbour. First captioned 'Q of Burmuda leaving Singapore', second captioned 'Otranto', third is of an L.S.T. Fourth is captioned 'Georgic leaving Singapore'.

Two photographs, first is of the RMS Strathnaver anchored, second is of three soldiers on building veranda.

Identification kindly provide by Gianluca Mazzanti of the Archeologi dell’Aria research group.

Four photographs, first two are similar, two soldiers two locals, with sign 'R.A.S.C. Central Marine Workshops, captioned 'The Boys'. third is of a launch captioned F.M.B. Almond', fourth captioned 'The Jetty P Brani'.

Three photographs, first 22 soldiers posed in five rows in front of R.A.S.C. workshop, second soldier walking across open space between two buildings, single story building in background. Third is of eight soldiers mounted on a static motor cycle.

Four photographs, first is a locally employed staff member standing by R.A.S.C. Central Marine Workshop sign, second is of an L.S.T. being loaded/unloaded. Third is of a moored motor launch used by the R.A.S.C. called Oberon, fourth is of the Statue…

Three photographs, first is of several soldiers on veranda of their billet, local woman walking past, second is group of four soldiers on same veranda, third is of eight soldiers mounted on a static motorcycle.

Four photographs, first is of a substantial two story building set in a jungle clearing captioned 'My billet', second is of local fishing boat captioned 'Chinese Junk'. Third is of large room with open veranda cane furniture, captioned 'Naffi (sic)…

Two photographs both showing informal groups of soldiers.

Four photographs, first is of a group of soldiers and others sitting and around a Jeep, single story building and motorcyclist in background. Second is of an L.S.T. under way, third is of a stone jetty from the water, fourth is of a liner in…
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