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  • Collection: Valentine, John

Article: Mr Churchill on his eastern journey. Account of review of war situation given in parliament by Churchill of events mentioned covering visit to Moscow, talks with M Stalin, growing strength of British forces in Egypt. Malta convoy success,…

Three photographs: top showing two navy ships off a coastline. Middle shows a number of small boats a sea with smoke on left side. Captioned 'Two pictures illustrating part of work done by Royal Navy in the successful Combined Operations raid on…

First article: 'Landings in Madagascar, three points occupied, little opposition. Account of British Empire forces landing in Madagascar'. Includes sketch map. Second article: 'Huge fires in Düsseldorf, powerful raid by RAF bombers. defences worn…


Three articles about reprisals against British prisoners of war if German prisoners are fettered. Claims that Germans captured at Dieppe were chained. First: More British prisoners to be chained, fiercer German threats, Italians join the plot,…

First article: account of national service of remembrance and prayer for British prisoners of war. Afterwards a meeting at Colusseum organised by prisoner of war fund where three women, two mothers and a wife of men in same prison camp sat together.…

Headlines: Rommel's army in full retreat, 9000 prisoners taken, relentless attacks on disorderly columns, commander if Afrika Korps captured. 12 nights and days of attacks by allied forces, General von Stumme captured. 260 German and Italian tanks…

First article headlines: 8th army on heels of fleeing enemy, prisoners expected soon to number 100000, drive ahead, Montgomery new order to his troops. Account of operations in desert against German and Italian forces. Second article mentions…

Article 1: Rapid U.S. advance in North Africa, important aerodromes occupied, little resistance on beaches, successful landing from crippled transport. Reports landings in French North Africa. Article 2: Rommel's panzer army retreat turned to rout,…

Article: headlines: Oran falls to American troops, resistance in Algeria ended, combined assault on Casablanca, British forces land on Mediterranean coast.

Article 1. Headlines: German troops occupy Vichy France, armistice agreement at end, Hitler's message to Pétain, defence against imminent allied attack. German forces enter unoccupied France to defend against allied attack. Article2. Headlines;…

Article. Headlines: recapture of Tobruk, Sollum and Bardia also occupied by eighth army, troop-carriers filled with Germans shot down in sea mentions six large aircraft shot down flying north from Tunisa, pace of pursuit 130 miles in two days. Sketch…

Article 1. Headlines: Geraud leads French fight in Tunisia, allies racing to his support, paratroops in vanguard, British first army advances. general Giraud who escaped from Vichy France is reported to be leading French garrison fighting German…


Article 1. Headlines: Giraud made C-in-C by Darlan, a great soldier, Pétain's message, Girauds call. Account of General Giraud's appointment by Admiral Darlan and condemnation of this by Marshal Pétain. Article 2. Headlines: full powers for Laval,…

Article 1. Headlines: parachute troops deep in Tunisia, clearing the way for first army, Mekili occupied by General Montgomery's forces, axis takes to open desert, Article 2. Headlines: German defeat in central Caucasus, many tanks abandoned,…

Photograph of a fleet of many ships at sea heading to right. Captioned 'A Great Achievement. A photograph taken from one of the RAF aircraft which took part in the protection of the huge convoy to North Africa. It shows a number of vessels on the way…

Article 1. Headlines: 'Great Tunisia clash near, allied troops advancing on Bizerta, RAF blitz on axis aerodromes', Article 2. 'Soviet preparing for winter drive, enemy driven from Caucasus height'. Article 3. Headlines: 'Heaviest raid on Italy, RAF…

Article 1. Headlines: Sir S Cripps leaves the war cabinet, now minister of aircraft production, promotion for Mr H Morrison, Mr Eden to lead House of Commons, Col Stanley colonial secretary. Notes appointments by the King. Article 2. Headlines:…

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Article 1. Headlines: Dakar joins Darlan, French colonial empire and the war, American agreement with Martinique, freely under my orders, Darlan and west Africa. Announcement from Admiral Darlin that French West Africa has put itself under his…

Headlines: battles of pursuit at Stalingrad, disorderly axis retreat in the north west, 15000 more prisoners taken, hour of reckoning has struck. German forces threatened with encirclement.

Headlines: the retreat from Stalingrad, another 12000 prisoners taken, Russian grip on vital railways, axis reports new soviet offensive at Kalinin.

Article 1. Headlines: French fleet scuttled in Toulon, crews act as Germans seize town, not a ship left afloat, Hitlet's excuse for a broken pledge. Article 2. Headlines: The Toulon fleet, the effect of long disuse. Includes battleships Dunkerque and…

Article 1. Headlines: big Russian push on Moscow front, Soviet troops advance 20 miles over wide area, 10,000 Nazis die, five divisions routed: 300 localities liberated. Article 2. Headlines: Tunisia: Germans on defensive, forces await British push…

Article 1. Headlines; Mr Churchill's warning to Italy, new offensive from African spring-board, towards a climax in Russia. Article 2. Headiness: Italian mutiny at Piraeus, troops take to brigandage. Italian troops refusing to embark for Africa.…

Article headlines: The Beveridge Report; comprehensive scheme of social insurance; benefits in unemployment, sickness and old age; new provisions for home and family. Covers summary of main provisions and table of security of provision in detail.

Article 1. Headlines: the viceroy's term, Lord Linlithgow caries on, another six months, a record period. Concerns Lord Linlithgow remaining viceroy to India. Article 2. Headlines: Darlan a danger to allies, general Catroux's attack, non…
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