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  • Collection: Valentine, John

Writes that it was grand to hear his voice and that danger for throat infection was over. Continues with long description of family activities on Christmas day including going out in a motor boat, lunch, opening presents with description of many,…

Writes she has had no letter from him and hopes it is not due to complications in his condition. She would like to ring him but the cost of 9 shillings a time would effect her saving plans. Mentions house is now quiet as visitors have left and…

Writes that she has had three letters from him as well as speaking to him by telephone and answers a couple of points raised. Continues with discussion of his future with violin lessons. Mentions her and daughter activities and that he has decided…

Thanks him for his letter and describes her activities; including a walk to Sunny Cove where waves were breaking over rocks, Mentions her sisters latest boyfriend, plans for that afternoon walk and warm weather. Concludes by saying if there is frost…

Writes that she is sending cuttings from the Times. Describes her daily activities and that she has caught a cold and had breakfast in bed. Mentions preparations for new year's eve and that she will travel back home on following Tuesday. Writes of…

Writes that she has received three letters from him, is glad he is feeling better and hopes ENT specialist will come soon and release him. Says she and daughter will be home next day and hopes he will be soon as well. Discusses home electric matters…

Writes she was glad he rang previous evening and mentions new year's eve party activities of sister and friends. Writes of plans for journey home and that she is sending a parcel of items she cannot get into suitcase. Concludes by mentioning…

Writes of her daily activities including her investigation of local maternity nursing home. Mentions sending off eight letters and SSAFA jobs. Writes of receiving wedding anniversary congratulatory telegram and hopes that he will be home again soon…

Writes that his latest letter was a pleasant surprise and she was glad he got a seat on the train back. Mentions she went out on SSAFA business and other activities. Concludes with news of children's ballet that she hopes to get tickets for and also…

Writes of visit from knife sharpener/china riveter man and delivery of crazy paving. Goes on with other domestic matters and daughter's activities. Continues with another visit by china riveter, thanks him for his letter and encourages him to see MO.…

Writes that she is still concerned with daughter being unwell and describes daily activities including sending her to bed. Concern over possibility of whooping cough. Mentions listening to radio and days post electricity bill for £3.4.11,

Writes to correct dates of termination of tenancy of their allotment. Explains arrangement she made with new tenant were misunderstood by him and what she intended to do now with her crops.


Notes enclosed socks, cigarettes and figs wit suggestions of how to eat them. States she is sending him "Gone with the Wind" in separate parcel. Illustration of Arab boat at top and palm trees at bottom.

Writes she has had no letter from him and that she is going to the cinema to see "Target for Tonight". Mentions sister will look after daughter and writes of babies progress, Mentions she is sending a book on agriculture. Illustration of ox cart at…

Writes she is enclosing new socks that arrived from India. Hopes he will enjoy "White Cliffs" which should not take him long to read. Hopes letter arrives safely with cigarettes intact.

Apologises for accident to his flash but hopes he will not be wearing them much longer. Reports on progress in repairing his tie.


Writes that she is enclosing an ingenious card from an acquaintance concerning their baby. States she does not know if cigarettes she sent are smokable but beggars cannot be choosers.

Hopes he got back into camp safely and that he caught all his trains okay. Mentions it was raining but it was lovely to have him home for 24 hours. Illustration of fisherman at top and palm trees at bottom.

Writes apologising for not writing but had been busy spring cleaning. mentions taking daughter to clinic and other activities. Thanks him for post card and letter and glad he is getting in some tennis. Illustration of man with basket on head at top…

Writes that she has not had recent letter and perhaps he would ring. Catches up with news of friends and wonders if he has been able to play tennis.

Short letter, nothing to report: off to catch bus to go shopping.

Short letter thanking him for his. No time to write as off to get hair permed. Suggest he gets proof of being prisoner of war from adjutant and contact Civilian Advice Bureau before going on holiday.

Reports safe arrival back at home where all is well. Brief comment on financial affairs and that they had a lovely weekend.

Writes she is confined to house to stop spending money, Reports on daily activities. Daughter Frances also signed letter with xxs.

Writes that her husband was the navigator of his son's aircraft when they were reported missing on the Cologne operation. She quotes from a letter from her husband about that it was thanks to his son's magnificent, cool and resourceful actions that…
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