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  • Collection: Valentine, John

Writes of receiving his parcel and reports on state of contents. Mentions enclosing a letter from daughter Frances and continues with news of other activities.

Writes of arrival of several letters from him and apologises for not phoning. Mentions shopping and problems that her sister is having with lost suitcase. Concludes with hopes for wedding she is attending and catches up with other activities.

On the front a woodland scene with track and small bridge. On the reverse a short note written during shopping expedition with his wife and daughter,

Writes that she was sorry that she could not speak to him on the telephone, news of her sister and the weather. Continues with account of daughter at a fete and reports information she received from sister at his hospital.

Thanks him for recent letter and mentions that she is going to fete that afternoon where daughter will figure in fancy dress competition. This would clash with her sister's arrival for the weekend. Writes of partially successful shopping in Amersham…

Thanks him for his letter and hopes cherries she sent have arrived and discussed sending chocolate. Mentions letter from income tax people writes of daughter's activities at dance display and upcoming fancy dress competition at local fete with…

Thanks him for recent letter and writes of recent activities and finances. Hopes his treatment is getting him well enough to come home on leave. Writes about daughter's upcoming dancing display. Mention she has sent him some papers and magazine and…

Writes she is angry with hospital authorities for misleading them and he won't get away before the end of July. Catches up with family news, writes of gardening and domestic matters and that his kit-bag has not arrived yet. Thanks him for his letters…

Hopes he is getting out and enjoying sunshine. Mentions she has sent him a parcel and continues with description of her activities in the garden. Reports a concert later in July and garden party next week. Hope to phone him that evening and mentions…

Writes she was glad to get his letter but is unhappy about the way he is being messed about. She will just have to wait for him to come out of hospital. Concludes with mention of gardening.

Writes about problems with mail and hope to hear news from him soon. Mentions her latest activities and voting Liberal in election and speaking to local candidate. Continues with domestic news and gardening required.

Reports arriving home and mentions activities while away. Glad she got home before he did due to state of the house and garden. Mentions daughter is happy to be home and that it will take six weeks to get all in order. Wonders if he has heard any…

Writes how marvellous it will be to see him next day although sympathises that he has diphtheria. Says she has much to do before getting away and daughter is being looked after by her parents and taken down to Devon.

Reports on arrival back from a 10 day visit and describes couple they stayed with as well as activities undertaken. Mentions meeting the daughter of Earl and Countess of Sandwich at Hinchinbrook [sic]. Writes of going to the theatre, a dance, of…

Writes it cannot be long now. and goes on to describe recent activities and local news. Catches up with news of acquaintances, RAF accounts and that proposal to open a private school in the village. Continues with upcoming social activities and…

Writes of making acquaintances in local area and of social activities. Mentions visitors, how adventurous their daughter is and of her latest activities. Writes that she now has some white hairs and disparages her getting older. Catches up with news…

Writes that she has returned home to find 6 inches of snow. Mentions that her fears of frozen pipes did not happen and house was in good order. Writes of journey home and finding Christmas parcels on arrival. Continues with account of framing…

Wishes him happy returns on wedding anniversary and hopes her recent parcel has arrived. Mentions recent arrival of letter posted in October and receiving presents from her sister and his parents. Recounts recent activities of shopping and…

Wishes him a happy new year and writes of her activities. Notes they have had sharp frosts and is nervous about pipes back at home freezing. Mentions quiet time over Christmas and covers other domestic news.

Reports arriving at holiday location and activities there. Writes of visiting an auction and describing purchases. Continues with news of her activities.

Writes that she is sending off clothing parcel and lists contents. Mentions that she now has updated map of prisoner of war camps from red cross and has a better idea of where he is now. Reports she is leaving for holiday in Devon the next day and…

Reports arrival of letter and postcard posted in September and news that next of kin parcels had stared again but she had not got anything ready. Intends to post before she leaves for holiday in Devon and hopes Red Cross hurries with things she has…

Reports arrival of three letters posted July and August as well as a postcard after a 3 month gap with nothing from him. Answers points raised in his letters. Continues with news of his parents building efforts on their house and catches up with news…

Writes that daughter is down with gastric flu and of other domestic chores. Catches up with news of previous house owner and ex-lodger. Reports that daughter has shown interest in reading and mentions her progress and dress making efforts.

Writes that she has obtained some photographs of daughter which she hopes will reach him before Christmas.
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