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Alan describes his working day. He saw General de Gaulle in Brussels. He toured around Brussels then went to see a film.

Alan thanks her for two letters. He is missing her. He describes flying through cloud canyons.
He describes trips to Bocholt, Germany and Orleans.

Alan writes that he should be getting leave from 22nd December for 12 days. He has been flying patrols despite the weather.
[some pages are missing]

Alan writes about his aeronautical adventures. They were sent to deliver equipment in the Ardennes but when they got there the airstrip was deserted. There was no starter for their Mosquito and their battery was flat. They started to charge the…

[pages 1 and 2 are missing]
Alan writes that he has been in London. He travelled back by train and ferry. Then via Brussels and then train the next day into Germany where a lot of the towns had been bombed.
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Alan writes that he has moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. The weather is hot and he should be there for eight weeks.

Alan writes he has been busy flying and is very tired. He has moved on from Tiger Moths and is now flying faster monoplanes.

Alan writes thanking them for his first airgraph. He has had mid-term exams and remarks that his first flying test was grim.

Alan writes that he has moved to Edmonton. He finds the scenery repetitive and not varied like England.

Alan thanks his parents for their letters. He is finding his course easy and expects to be flying again soon. He has just had a weekend in the Rockies.

Alan writes that he has moved back to Saskatchewan but dislikes the flat monotonous prairies in comparison to the Rockies.

Alan writes that he had 14 days leave. He writes from Vancouver and has visited Calgary and Banff.

Alan writes that he has moved to Mountain View, Ontario. He enjoyed the train journey back east.

Alan writes thanking his parents for letters, parcel and papers. He enjoyed his visit to Chicago and found the locals very friendly.

Alan writes thanking his parents for letters and newspapers. He is about to start his exams and also flying a lot.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their letters. He has moved to St Johns, near Montreal.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their letter. He has settled down and studying hard.

Alan writes that he had a free weekend and went into Montreal and went to a film then a dance. On the Sunday they went to Mount Royal and watched the winter sports.

Alan writes thanking his parents for their airgraph. He has been very busy with exams. He has been to see a film but was not impressed, then a dance where the girls only spoke French.

Alan writes that he has not received any mail for over a month. Work has been busy. He complains about the food.

Alan writes thanking his parents for the newspapers and airgraph. He has been studying for his final exams.

Alan writes that he has finished his exams and is waiting for the results. Something has affected his future training and he expects to return to England soon.

Born in a Gardeners Cottage, Andrew Gauld joined the Air Training Corps whilst working in the local Post Office, after finishing school. Andrew then joined the Air Force and went into 12 Bomber Squadron and was crewed up with Pilot Officer Stephenson…

Alan Robson writes to Mrs Miller from M.- Stammlager 1X A telling her he flew with her son Teddy and expects her to hear bad news.

Don MacIntosh was working as a policeman until he volunteered for the RAF. This was a Reserved Occupation and volunteering for aircrew was the only option available to him. He was posted to 9 Squadron at RAF Bardney and took part of the raid on the…
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