Browse Items (7 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Hove"

#1 is 31 WAAFs and airmen grouped in three rows.
#2 is a head and shoulders portrait of an airman.
#3 is 27 airmen grouped in three rows in front of wooden huts.
#4 is a young child with 'Hove 1945' underneath.

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A newspaper article about attacks on Hanover and Emden. It is annotated 'No 12 27-9-43'.

Bill writes to his sister about being captured and how he would send letters with coded messages. She would then have to get in touch with the Director of Information at the Air Ministry.

Photo 1 is Lynne leaning on a bird bath. It is annotated ' "sis" Shirley 1936'.
Photo 2 is Bill in a casual suit sitting on a rowing boat, annotated 'Hove 1936'.

Two photographs of three people.
Photo 1 is Bill Lord and Eunice, annotated 'Eunice and I 1942'.
Photo 2 is a man standing on a promenade, annotated 'Arthur. Hove 1937'.
A handwritten note states 'Subject with fiancé Eunice'.
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