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  • Creator is exactly "R C weeden"

Newspaper cutting explains that the RAF accepted and invitation from United States Army Air Force to send 35 Squadron to take part in an air day. Letter written from Scott Field Illinois. Writes they having a good time but complains of heat. Mentions…

Trying out airmail letter to see if it is quicker than airgram. Reports arrival of mail from home some of which was taking a long time. Catches up with news and gossip, comments on weather and his health. Comments on distance to Toronto which he can…

Part 1. Explains delay in writing due to 48 hour pass which allowed him to go to new York. Describes activities there.
Part 2. On return was posted to air observers school and was packing to go. Arrive in Toronto and did tour including Niagara…

Mentions he wrote this letter just after airgraph and ask he to let him know how long each took to arrive. Writes that he is settling but it is cold with snow but they are comfortably billeted with amazing food. Says there is no shortage of food…

Thanks her for parcel and writes of his immanent departure and that he will cable when he arrives at destination.

Writes that he is expecting posting to Canada shortly and that she should get his laundry back to him quickly.

Discusses sending laundry home with unsure future. Mentions still continuing lessons and that he will let her know when he hears of his next posting.

Writes that he is back in camp and comfortably billeted. Describes daily activities and speculates on future. Mentions train journey to camp but does not think he will get home again for some time. Says he will send laundry home.

Describes recent journey to camp and current new accommodation as well as daily activity. Mentions visits to Manchester.
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