Palmer, Robert Anthony Maurice


Palmer, Robert Anthony Maurice
R A M Palmer


38 items. The collection concerns Squadron Leader Robert AM Palmer VC, DFC and Bar (115772, Royal Air Force) and contains his log books, photographs, fact sheets, newspaper cuttings, documents, correspondence and a substancial history of his last operation.

He flew one hundred and eleven operations as a pilot with 75, 149  and 109 Squadrons and was killed 23 December 1944 when leading a daylight operation as an Oboe marker.

The collection also contains 51 items in a Photograph album.

The collection has been donated to the IBCC Digital Archive by Penny Palmer and catalogued by Nigel Huckins.

Additional information on Robert AM Palmer is available via the IBCC Losses Database




IBCC Digital Archive


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Palmer, RAM

Collection Items

Terrence Holmes
Head and shoulders portrait of a Royal Air Force sergeant wearing tunic with flight engineer brevet and side cap. Submitted with caption 'Terrence Holmes photo'. On the reverse 'April 9 1944, Terry'.

Robert Palmer's pilot's flying log book. Two
Robert Palmer’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 12 May 1942 to 23 December 1944, detailing training and operations as a pilot and instructor. He was stationed at RAF Lossiemouth (No. 20 OTU), RAF Hullavington (No. 3 Flying Instructors School),…

Robert Palmer's pilot's flying log book. One
Robert Palmer’s RAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 12 April 1940 to 12 May 1942 detailing his training and operations as a pilot and instructor. He was stationed at RAF Desford (No. 7 Elementary Flying Training School), RAF Grantham (No. 12 Flying…

To Cologne - Gremberg by Oboe - tribute to Squadron Leader Robert A.M.Palmer VC, DFC & Bar
The story of an attack by Pathfinders of 35,105,109 and 582 Squadrons 23 December 1944. Tribute to Robert pPalmer and thirty comrades who died with him. Contains history of Battle of the Bulge. Description of Oboe system. List of aircraft and crews…

Bomber Harris fact sheet
Gives brief biographic and service details. Drawings of aircraft and squadron/group badges as well as portrait of Marshall of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur T Harris Bt, GCB,OBE,AFC,LLD, Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Bomber Command 1942-1945. 'A…

582 Squadron Pathfinders fact sheet
History since formation on 1 April 1944 until last operation 7 May 1945. Part of Pathfinder Force. Mention first award of DSO and last marking and bombing operations in 1945. Provides account of last operation of Captain Edwin Swales who was awarded…

109 Squadron Pathfinders fact sheet
Gives history of 109 Squadron from reformation on 10 December 1940 until last bombs dropped on 2/3 May 1945. Covers development of blind bombing and Oboe. Moved to RAF Wyton as independent unit of newly formed Pathfinder force. Mentions first Oboe…

Palmer V.C pathfinder fact sheet
Includes biographic details, service history and account of last operation for which he was awarded the Victoria Cross. Completed 111 operations on three squadrons, took part in Cologne 1000 bomber operation. Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross twice.…

Newspaper page
Front page of daily Express 7 January 1944. Headline - Britain has plane with no propeller. Several articles about Frank Whittle and first jet powered aircraft. One other article concerning German pilotless bombers.

Roll of honour for Path Finder Force RAF Little Staughton
Lists casualties for 109 Squadron and 582 Squadron in 1943, 1944, 1945 and 1946. Has squadron badges for both squadrons an 8 Group and two Victoria Crosses (Squadron Leader Robert A.M.Palmer V.C, D.F.C & Bar 109 Sqn and Captain Edwin E Swales V.C.,…

Newspaper cuttings about unveiling of Robert Palmer's portrait in Gravesend town hall
Top - V.C.'s contempt for the enemy, portrait of Kent hero unveiled. Article about unveiling and provides some of Palmer's service background and mentions funding of portrait and that there was some money left over. Includes photograph of unveiling…

Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Palmers award of Victoria Cross
Left - Squadron Leader R.A.M. Palmer V.C., D.F.C. & Bar. Father and brother receive medals. Article explains that Robert Palmers father received the Victoria Cross and his brother his Distinguished Flying Cross at investiture at Buckingham…

Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Palmers award of Victoria Cross
Top - Squadron Leader Robert A.M. Palmer V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross after being reported missing after a particularly hazardous daylight operation over Cologne. Includes head and shoulder b/w photograph of Robert Palmer wearing…

Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Palmers Victoria Cross final operation
Top - V.C, led attack in blazing plane. Account of last operation leading attack on marshalling yard in Cologne from which he failed to return but was awarded the Victoria Cross. Left - New airman V.C. Always chosen for special operations. Some…

Newspaper cuttings - always selected for vital targets; Palmer V.C bombed and said nothing; Squadron Leader Palmer V.C.
Left - always selected for vital targets - an outstanding pilot. Gives service background and description of action leading to award of Victoria Cross. Mentions 110 completed operations and final attack on Cologne where his aircraft failed to return,…

Newspaper cuttings - heroism beyond praise of new air V.C.; Squadron Leader R.A.M. Palmer V.C. DFC & Bar; and Squadron Leader Robert A.M. Palmer V.C.
Top left - heroism beyond praise of new air V.C, in blazing Lancaster he scorned danger and flew on to target. Gives some service and family background and describes actions during operation to Cologne from which he failed to return but led to award…

Newspaper cuttings - secret out on only radar V.C and followed father won V.C.
Top - now reveals that the operation for which Robert Palmer was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross involved his use of highly secret "Oboe" which meant he had to fly straight and level while being engaged by enemy fighters and anti-aircraft…

Newspaper cuttings - Robert Palmer award of Victoria Cross
Three newspaper cuttings with varying accounts of background and actions of Robert Palmer leading to award of Victoria Cross. Note that he was missing after this operation which was his 111th operational flight. Headlines - Daily Mail the shy V.C.…

Newspaper cuttings - Robert Palmer award of Victoria Cross
Top left - shy but tough V.C. air ace picked for hardest jobs. Gives account of his 110th bombing operation leading a formation of Lancasters on daylight operation to Cologne from which he failed to return and actions resulted in award of VC. Top…

Only "radar" V.C.
Gives account of Robert Palmer leading formation while being fitted with secret "Oboe radar equipment which required him to fly straight and level for 10 minutes while also being engaged by enemy fighters and anti-aircraft fire.

Newspaper cuttings concerning awards of Victoria Crosses
Top - Royal Air Force 23rd V.C. Announces award of Victoria Cross to Act Sqn Ldr Robert Antony Maurice Palmer 109 Squadron (missing). Quotes from citation for award with account of operation to Cologne and some service background. Bottom left - pals…

From the newspapers
Accounts from Evening Standard, Daily Mirror and Daily Express. Concerning award of Victoria Cross for Robert Palmer. Gives tribute from his squadron commander and headmaster. Mirror noted he was always selected for tough jobs. A gives comments by…

Newspaper cutting - RAF always chose Kent V.C. for special tasks
States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer previously winner of DFC and became Kent's sixth V.C of that war. Gives some personal and operational background and gives account of operation to Cologne which resulted in award of…

Newspaper cutting - V.C for leader they chose for the dangerous jobs
Gives account of action of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer, 109 Squadron leading to award of Victoria Cross. Aircraft seen spiralling down in flames after attack on Cologne.

Newspaper cutting - V.C. for Gravesend Squadron Leader
Sub headlines - great act of heroism and some remarkable tributes. States that Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer had been awarded the Victoria Cross after a hazardous daylight operation over Cologne. Quotes telegram from Sir Arthur…
View all 89 items

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