Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Palmers Victoria Cross final operation



Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Palmers Victoria Cross final operation


Top - V.C, led attack in blazing plane. Account of last operation leading attack on marshalling yard in Cologne from which he failed to return but was awarded the Victoria Cross. Left - New airman V.C. Always chosen for special operations. Some service background, already a double DFC and 110 operations, followed by account of final operation leading attack on Cologne from which he failed to return. Awarded Victoria Cross. List his crew, all reported missing. Right - How V.C airman died, shot down over Cologne. Reported missing after attack on Cologne. Now known to have lost his life along with five others of his crew, the only survivor was rear gunner. Bottom - Fallen Officers, the Times list of casualties includes Squadron Leader R.A.M Palmer VC and provides a short account of last operation.

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Four newspaper cuttings on an album page


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ALWAYS selected for special operations against vital targets, Acting-Squadron-Leader Robert Anthony Maurice Palmer, a 24 year old double D.F.C, of Gravesend has been awarded the V.C.

Palmer was reported missing after he had made a superb and accurate attack in a blazing Lancaster on the marshalling yards at Cologne. His ‘plane was last seen spiralling to earth in flames.

The citation states: “This officer has completed 110 bombing missions. Many were low-level ‘marking’ operations against vital targets, and all were executed with tenacity, high courage and great accuracy.”

Dealing with the action which won the V.C., the citation adds: “The finest example of his courage and determination was on December 23. 1944, when he led a formation of Lancasters to attack marshalling yards at Colone in daylight.

“Some minutes before the target was reached his aircraft came under heavy anti-aircraft fire and two engines were set on fire.

“Enemy fighters attacked in force. Squadron-Leader Palmer disdained the possibility of taking avoiding action.

“He was determined to complete the run and provide an accurate and easily seen aiming point for the other bombers. He ignored the double risk of fire and explosion in his aircraft and kept on.

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“Always Chosen for Special Operations“

The award of the V.C. is announced to Acting Squadron Leader Robert Anthony Maurice Palmer, R.A.F.V.R., 109 Squadron, of Gravesend, a pilot who, according to the citation, “was always selected for special operations against vital targets” and whose “record of prolonged endeavour is beyond praise.”

Already a double D.F.C., he had completed 110 bombing missions, many low level “marking” operations, and all were executed with tenacity, high courage and great accuracy. “It was known that he could be relied on to press home his attack whatever the opposition and to bomb with great accuracy.”


One example of his courage and determination was on December 23, when he led a formation of Lancasters against the marshalling yards at Cologne in daylight. He had the task of marking the target, and his formation had been ordered to bomb as soon as the bombs had gone from his aircraft.

Some minutes before the target was reached Palmer’s aircraft came under heavy anti-aircraft fire. Two engines were set on fire and there were flames and smoke in the nose and in the bomb bay. Enemy fighters attacked in force. Palmer disdained taking avoiding action. He knew that if he diverged from his course he would be unable to use the special equipment to the best advantage. Instead “he made a perfect approach, and his bombs hit the target.”

“His aircraft was last seen spiralling to earth in flames. Such was the strength of the opposition that more than half of his formation failed to return.”

Palmer who was 24 years of age, was formerly employed in the Gravesend Borough Engineer’s office, where he is spoken of as “a shy boy – very much liked by everyone but very quiet and reserved.”

The crew of Palmer’s ‘plane were Flying Officer O.S. Milne, Flight Lieutenant A.L. Carter. Flight Lieutenant G. Russell, Flying Officer W. Dalgarno, Flight Sergeant B. Mundy, and Flight Sergeant R.K. Yeulett. All are reported missing.

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Shot Down Over Cologne

[italics] “Evening News” Correspondent [/italics]

Acting Squadron Leader R.A.M. Palmer, V.C., D.F.C., of Gravesend who was reported missing when his plane was shot down during a daylight raid on Cologne last December, is now known to have lost his life. Five others of the crew died with him.

The only survivor was the rear-gunner, whose parestn [sic] have sent the news to Squadron-Leader Palmer’s father. Palmer won his V.C. for great gallantry during this raid.

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We have received news of the death of the following officers in addition to those whose names have been published in the official list:-

ROOKSBY, Lieutenant-Colonel R.H., R.E.

HEWITT, Flight Lieutenant R.J., D.F.M.
PALMER, A/Squadron Leader R.A.M., V.C, D.F.C.



ACTING SQUADRON LEADER ROBERT ANTHONY MAURICE PALMER, V.C., D.F.C. and Bar, who was reported missing when his aeroplane was shot down in a daylight raid on Cologne on December 23, is now known to have lost his life.

Five other members of the crew died with him. The only survivor, the rear gunner, attended their funeral, 10 miles south of Cologne, and has written to Squadron Leader Palmer’s father giving this news. He was awarded the V.C. for his gallant conduct on his last flight, when, with his aircraft on fire and two engines in flames, he carried on to bomb the target and drop markers for the aeroplanes following him. In the course of the citation, which was published in full in [italics]The Times [/italics] of March 24, it was stated: “Squadron Leader Palmer was an outstanding pilot. He displayed conspicuous bravery. His record of prolonged and heroic endeavour is beyond praise.” Palmer, whose father was a pilot in the 1914-18 war, was born in July, 1920, and was educated at Gordon School and at Gravesend County School. Before the war he was in the office of the Gravesend borough engineer. On June 30, 1944, he was awarded the D.F.C., and on December 8, 1944, a Bar to the D.F.C.


“Newspaper cuttings concerning Robert Palmers Victoria Cross final operation,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,

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