Letter from David Boldy to his father



Letter from David Boldy to his father


Letter from David Boldy to his father with comments on the Munich agreement and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.




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Two page handwritten letter


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7, Wallace Court,
300, Marylebone Rd,
London, N. W. 1.,
1st October, 1938.

My own darling Dad,

Thanks very much for your letter, cable and all your news. The Peace news is a relief but I still think the [deleted] dem [/deleted] Democracies have once more given way to the Dictators. Hitler’s next aim is probably Scotland! He’ll get that too if he tries hard enough! Chamberlain says he has brought Peace with honour. I agree with the peace part but fail entirely to see where the honour comes in.

I got a letter yesterday from the Dean saying that owing to the uncertainty of the international situation College will open a week late.

These last few days we have been viewing flats and going to the flicks. We have seen, “In Old Chickago” [sic] which was very good, “Frou Frou” Louise [sic] Rainer which was also very good and a couple of others. I am at last feeling much better and have practically got over the effects of the exam.

When the situation was serious I

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went to Gloucester Road, and saw Mr [indecipherable name]. I asked him if he would act as a referee [deleted] in [/deleted] for me if war broke out and I joined. He said he would be only too pleased and said he always knew I was the right stuff. He also held the view that this continental pandering to the Dictator would lead to disastrous results a little later.

It was thoughtful of you not to have written about the leave before my exam. It is however, best that you do not approach them. Firstly you are only due leave every three years, secondly the firm might tell you to take permanent leave once you had landed here and then we would all be in a terrible mess. As it is the money may not last out for my articles.

As long as I get my LL.B it will be allright [sic] for I can then get a job, or join the short Service Commission or something like that. It would be a very good idea to get rid of the car, as it [deleted] costs [/deleted] [inserted] saves [/inserted] [indecipherable fragment] 50 a month apart from the price you would get for it. Well no more to-day. Love to Mrs Joseph. God bless & keep you & bring you back safely to us,

With lots of love & kisses

from your loving son

[underlined] David [/underlined]



David Boldy, “Letter from David Boldy to his father,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 24, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/485.

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