New Year's resolutions and notes on past year



New Year's resolutions and notes on past year


Cover is artwork for the Beacon with Christmas greetings and caricature of Ford Killen. Inside on front page is a list of new year resolutions. Unknown author. Three pages with title 'New Years Eve 1938, Kathleen Myers age 20. Gives account of activities on the evening. Also notes of events that happen during the year. Includes grandmother death, pet put down, info on Frank and her father. Other family and friend events as well as other events.



Temporal Coverage




Cover and four pages handwritten notes


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MERRY CHRIST [missing letters]
AND HAPPY NEW YE [missing letters]

[caricature drawing of Sergeant Ford Killen sitting at typewriter]

[page break]

[underlined] New Years Eve 1938

Kathleen Myers age 20 [/underlined]

I am spending this evening at home with my sister, she is not feeling very well she is asleep at this moment while I’m listening to the Wireless (A New Years Mash) One thinks at this time of the events that have occurred during the past year, here I will try to narrate a few.

[underlined] The sad ones. [/underlined]

[underlined] 1. [/underlined] My Grandma died this year after being ill for a long time

[underlined] 2. [/underlined] We had to have Tony destroyed in June he had asthma we have had him 10 years.

[underlined] 3 [/underlined] Frank sailed for New Zealand on Nov: 10th

[underlined] 4 [/underlined] My Father has been sulking since Sept: and we are thinking of leaving home.

[page break]

[underlined] 5 [/underlined] My Friendship with Ron as [sic] come to an end. ah well it was swell while it lasted hes [sic] a sport & a great Pal but nothing more.

[underlined] 6. [/underlined] Lilys last Christmas party, it was awful, Ron was with a girl on the floor & I let Charles get [deleted] all [/deleted] sentimental all over me. It was a terrible ending to a friendship

[underlined] The Happy Things [/underlined]

[underlined] 1- [/underlined] We met Ron & Frank at Lily Pawsons Christmas Party. They came to Chapel & Sundays we started going walks, at Easter Sunday we went on an evening trip to Scarborough & came home from the station in a taxi, & had to stay at my aunty’s as it was so late, the next day we had a party and the next day (Tuesday) we went the four of us to the Empire & saw Revell & West.

[underlined] 2. [/underlined] Went with Miss Westerman to Penmaenmaur to the C. E. Home & met George & Madge Gladys, Ivy, & Zena, & fell in love badly with Wales.

[page break]

That was at bank Holiday my other week I went to Barlick it was very nice but it rained nearly all the time but at Bank Holiday the weather was marvellous.

[underlined] 3. [/underlined] Went with Ron & Frank to Woodhouse feast & had a glorious time

[underlined] 4 [/underlined] Went with Frank to see the Brough Players quite a few times, & we all four went to the Empire the night before my birthday to see George Formby.

[underlined] 5 [/underlined] The four of us went to Barlick one Sunday in October & had a lovely time the weather was glorious.

[underlined] 6 [/underlined] Started going out during the week with Ron & Frank it was lovely, but it made the parting all the worse, it was terrible when Frank went, but we just get over these things. We went to a

[page break]

farewell party the night before he sailed it was awful for poor Ron.

7. I got my silver medal for elocution [deleted] in July [/deleted]

[underlined] New Year Resolutions [/underlined]

[underlined] 1. [/underlined] To never allow myself to be pursuaded [sic] to play cigarettes & chocolates.

[underlined] 2. [/underlined] To only mix with nice people.

[underlined] 3. [/underlined] To try to realize my ambitions.

[underlined] 4 [/underlined] To be truthful, honourable, kind, true, & still cherish high ideals no matter how silly or odd other people think I am.
To be optimistic.
To write To Frank.



“New Year's resolutions and notes on past year,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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