Letter from Ken Barnett to Bessie



Letter from Ken Barnett to Bessie


Ken apologises to his sister for not having written. He explains a bit about his training to become an engineer. He hopes to fly Liberators when he finishes.


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Three handwritten sheets


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[Royal Air Force crest]

1624095 AC1 K Barnett
Hut R17. 5TT Wing
RAF St Athan
S, Wales.

My Dear Bessie.

I hope you wont be too mad at me for not writing to you before now, but I am not going to stay at this address long. That is one of the reasons for not writing. We are moving over to the main camp when we start on the course & when we do start I will not be able to go out of camp so much so Im [sic] making the most of it now.

I have only written a few of the most important letters up to now so I hope you wont mind.

[page break]

I was on Guard last night so we get half the morning off today. I have done more guards since I have been here than I ever did, all the 5 months I was at Bramcote.

There isn’t much for me to write about except the course. Perhaps you would like to know a bit about it? It lasts about 14 weeks which includes a week at the makers factory. That, so I understand is nothing but a week of making “dates” with the girls who work there & should be quite interesting. When the 14 weeks is up if I am lucky I should get 3 stripes & half a wing with the letter ‘E’ on it. So you will have to make haste if you are going to get your tapes before me But I have to get 60 percent to get them.

[page break]

If I get 80 percent or over I shall be recomended [sic] for a commission. That would shake them at home would’nt [sic] it? It would shake me too.

I hav’nt [sic] made up my mind yet, what kites to go on. I would’nt [sic] mind going on “Lankys” but all my mates are going on Libs’ so I might have a try at that. If I do it will almost surely mean overseas.

Well Dear I hope you dont [sic] find this letter too boring if you do just read enclosed joke I shall have to close now & get some sleep. so Cheerio for now hoping this finds you well, as it leaves me at present.

Lots of Love




Ken Barnett, “Letter from Ken Barnett to Bessie,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 24, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/34819.

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