Folder description for collection



Folder description for collection


States that folder contains optional record of RNZAT pilot and his navigator of 166 Squadron at Kirmington. Gives details of Squadron Leader Alan Gibson AFC DFM and his navigator Flight lieutenant Charles Martin DFC.




One page handwritten document


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This Folder contains the WWII operational records of a RNZAF Pilot and his English Navigator, of [underlined] 166 Squadron [/underlined] based at Kirmington (now Humberside Airport), N. Lincs.

1. [underlined] The Pilot: [/underlined] Sqd. Ldr. Alan Gibson AFC, DFM.

Alan was a Flt. Sgt., later Pilot Officer on his tour of 30 ops. in 166 Sqn at Kirmington, gaining the DFM there.

He stayed on in the RAF after the war, flying as a test-pilot with the Telecommunications Flying Unit (T.F.U. At Defford from Feb 2 1949 until retirement on Sept 14 t h 1953, as a Sqd. Ldr.

He supplied some of the other details here, and lived at:
75, Monterey Highway, RD2 Upper Monterey, NELSON, NEW ZEALAND.

2. [underlined] The Navigator [/underlined] Flt. Lt. Charles Martin DFC.

Charles, after a spell at 1662 Heavy Conversion Unit (H.C.U.) went back to 166 Sqn, before leaving the RAF.

He then flew as a Navigator with Skyways, B.O.A.C. and Caledonian Airways. He became P.A. to Sir Adam Thomson, Chairman of British Caledonian Airways (BCAL) before retiring.

The two log-book accounts of this Pilot and Navigator form a remarkable dual story of their Tour of Ops. together.
Note the Pilot’s remarks are about accuracy of bombing, concentration of flak, searchlights, night fighters, and damage sustained (Mailly-le-Camp, Duisburg, Mimoyecques and St. Ouen). The Navigator concentrates on routeing, and bombing accuracy.


“Folder description for collection,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 22, 2024,

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