Letter from Joan Wareing, to husband Bob



Letter from Joan Wareing, to husband Bob


She writes that she is sorry to hear he have been feeling tired and is in need of a long rest which he should get on his next leave. She is sunbathing whilst writing and has the following day off from work. She mentions family and friends and asks him to let her know if he is bringing his friend with him on leave. She mentions that she may be going to see the RAF College Band and tells him not to worry about the car.




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Six page handwritten letter


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56, West Common Gardens,
Old Brumby,
August 6th 1944.
My Darling Bob.
Many thanks dear for your letter received yesterday. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling so extremely tired these days. You will be realy in need of a long rest on your next leave. With luck you should be here a fortnight today – Wizzard - !
At the moment of writing, I am sunbathing being Sunday afternoon and a wizzard [sic]
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day. I expect you are very busy with all the good weather. A.J. has given me the day off tomorrow – if it is good weather – and told me to take “the air”! He seems strangely concerned in my welfare, but don’t be jealous dear. He is only being kind and understanding. He knows quite honestly, that it is only you I care for her [sic] as I talk about you in someway or other every day.
I too had a long letter from Eileen & yesterday she sent
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the wedding group taken at outside the chapel. It is quite good, though I think you look somewhat serious dear, possibly with being ‘up’ all the previous evening. I shall write Eileen today.
I met Belle Featonly (or rather Dr. Thomas Dunhill & his wife), my old music teacher & adjudicator. We had quite an interesting chat. She enquired where you were etc. They have come from London for a rest again. The sirens are pretty bad there.
Jill seems to be progressing
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quite favourably, but still looks very ill indeed.
Malcolm is coming for a week next week, I think, so he will be anticipating lots of fun, I guess.
Do let me know if ‘little Bob’ is coming with you on leave, that is a day or two before you arrive, if possible, Mum likes to know if possible before hand.
After an early tea, Mum and I cycled to my Aunt’s near Scawby woods. It was wizzard [sic] out in the fresh air, Tomorrow
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we are going over to Messingham. Grandma has been quite ill again with ‘[indecipherable word]’ It seems they go delirious with this complaint, Mum has been chasing too & fro.
The R.A.F. College Band is playing in the Park tonight. I think Mum & I are going to walk round that way to see what goes on. Dad is working 2 – 10 p.m. Worse luck. He says it is terribly hot around the furnaces.
Don’t loose an awful lot of
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sleep over the car, let someone else, do repairs for you. You can’t afford to loose sleep dear. The ‘account’ will be O.K. as I am OK without any cash this month, so don’t let that worry you.
I expect your parcel will be arriving sometime tomorrow.
Well Cheerio for now & may God Bless You for Always.
Yours Ever dearest,



J Wareing, “Letter from Joan Wareing, to husband Bob,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed July 22, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/28270.

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