To Jessie from Harry Redgrave



To Jessie from Harry Redgrave


Two-page (undated) letter and envelope from Harry Redgrave to his wife Jessie. Harry has been attached to 106 Squadron for crew training and will be flying in Hampdens. He writes that conditions are better than at Upwood.




Two page handwritten letter and envelope


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Mrs J M Redgrave
155 Fletton Avenue
Peterboro’. [Peterborough]

[postage stamp]
[Post mark]

[page break]

[RAF Crest]

Sgts Mess
RAF Station
Yorks [Yorkshire]

Dear Jessie,

As you can see I arrived OK and by about 4.30 yesterday afternoon. It was a grand ride and the byke [sic] went very well and I have nearly a gallon of petrol in hand. As it is only 10d return to Doncaster and there are plenty of buses I shall hang on to that petrol to enable me to come and see you sometime.

We wont [sic] be getting any leave here it seems so my hopes are dashed again but we are only here for a six weeks [sic] course and maybe I shall be lucky then. The place seems to be an O.T.U. for Hampdens but is not so called as we are attached to 106 Squadron for Crew Training before being posted to another squadron for operations. The place seems very quiet all day but as soon as it is dark it fairly hums with aircraft doing local flights

[page break]

and others taking off on cross countries [sic] As Hampdens operate at night nearly all our flying is done then and I have heard we shall do 50 hours night [sic] in our six weeks. The shortest cross country [sic] is three hours and the longest six. Goodness knows what I shall do on a six hour night flight.

This mess is much better than Upwood and the food is grand. It should be as the messing charge is seven pence a day. I have made a voluntary allottment [sic] of two shillings a day for you but do not know when it will go through as the accounts have to wait for our documents from Upwood.

Its [sic] half past ten and I am feeling tired so will save you the rest to tell you tomorrow.

Lots of love from your loving husband
Harry. Xxxxx

For Pam xxx


Harry Redgrave, “To Jessie from Harry Redgrave,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 22, 2024,

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