Letter to David Donaldson
Letter to David Donaldson
Thank you from a former 192 Squadron member Trevor Hicks who is leaving shortly to return to New Zealand. Congratulates David on Distinguished Service Order award. Sends regards to all.
Three page handwritten letter
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Officers' Mess
R.A.F. Station,
Dear Winco,
Just a short note from me to say cheerio to you & very many thanks for a happy time spent at 192 under your command.
We are leaving here tomorrow for Blackpool where we are staying for a week before embarking for home. We are going on the “ANDES” I think but have not much idea of which way we are going. There are going to be 1500 N.Z.ers
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going on this liner & they hope to have everyone home around Christmas.
Chaos reigns supreme down here as you can imagine but they are muddling their way through. However seeing the powers that be learned of it all only a week ago I don't suppose they are doing too badly.
One of the lads down here from Foulsham told me of about your bar to the D.S.O. My very heartiest congratulations to you on receiving it.
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Please give my regards to Ken, adj & the rest of the crowd there.
I hope to be able to get to Derby and see my wife again before I go as I've still a few things to clear up. They gave us no notice of this boat & I have to get my brother-in-law to sell my car for me.
I must close now wishing you all the very best in the future & I'll always remember the happy months spent at 192 with all of you.
Goodbye & good luck
Yours sincerely
Trevor Hicks.
R.A.F. Station,
Dear Winco,
Just a short note from me to say cheerio to you & very many thanks for a happy time spent at 192 under your command.
We are leaving here tomorrow for Blackpool where we are staying for a week before embarking for home. We are going on the “ANDES” I think but have not much idea of which way we are going. There are going to be 1500 N.Z.ers
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going on this liner & they hope to have everyone home around Christmas.
Chaos reigns supreme down here as you can imagine but they are muddling their way through. However seeing the powers that be learned of it all only a week ago I don't suppose they are doing too badly.
One of the lads down here from Foulsham told me of about your bar to the D.S.O. My very heartiest congratulations to you on receiving it.
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Please give my regards to Ken, adj & the rest of the crowd there.
I hope to be able to get to Derby and see my wife again before I go as I've still a few things to clear up. They gave us no notice of this boat & I have to get my brother-in-law to sell my car for me.
I must close now wishing you all the very best in the future & I'll always remember the happy months spent at 192 with all of you.
Goodbye & good luck
Yours sincerely
Trevor Hicks.
? Hicks, “Letter to David Donaldson,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/15030.
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