Letter to David Donaldson from his mother
Letter to David Donaldson from his mother
Wishes him a happy birthday and writes of her feelings and activities. Mentions she sent him a cake and catches up with family news. Mentions cold weather and other family and acquaintance matters.
Temporal Coverage
Four page handwritten letter
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[underlined] Saturday [/underlined]
[printed address deleted]
Dearest David
very many happy returns of the day and very much love, not to mention the admiration and pride,[deleted] we [/deleted] I often have to restrain myself from writing a Victorian letter telling you all about our emotions concerning you (our being Pa & myself, no ['t' deleted] allusion to myself as royalty intended), but I refrain as I should only express it so badly that it would sound silly – I had a shock the other day when I thought the ocassion [sic] demanded a moving speech, & with a good deal of embarrassment & diffidence put down in a hurry what I thought, but could not express, on paper & got
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the typist to type it out, as usual I put in no stops, the result when she had put them in was so startling, not to say appalling, that I shamefacedly put it in the fire & have returned to my natural instincts not to try and express what I cannot begin to.
I sent you off a cake on Thursday made by Mrs Fudge, who is also going to make William's christening cake, & if no one is able to come to the party, (no good or bad fairies) Mrs Fudge, Elizabeth, myself and Daddy will sit round William and eat it all up wishing him luck with every mouthful. They are [inserted] both [/inserted] going home on Feb 9, I shall be very sorry to part with them – I hope the weather will not turn
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cold as I'm afraid their commodious modern residence will feel very thin after these steam heated baronial halls. The spare room has made a lovely nursery with a fire in it. I am going back with Elizabeth for 3 days if I can I want to get on and see Frances & Joyce before I come home again but it all depends if I can leave Papa to do for himself for so long -
I think William will object to being dressed up in a [word deleted] christening robe since he lives in a nightgown and I'm sure he will object to the ceremony & a strange parson, I think Frances
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was very lucky to have a grandfather in the business.
I enclose a letter from Norman & one from Ian if I can find it
very much love from us all
& especially me
your loving
Saturday Jan 29
[underlined] Saturday [/underlined]
[printed address deleted]
Dearest David
very many happy returns of the day and very much love, not to mention the admiration and pride,[deleted] we [/deleted] I often have to restrain myself from writing a Victorian letter telling you all about our emotions concerning you (our being Pa & myself, no ['t' deleted] allusion to myself as royalty intended), but I refrain as I should only express it so badly that it would sound silly – I had a shock the other day when I thought the ocassion [sic] demanded a moving speech, & with a good deal of embarrassment & diffidence put down in a hurry what I thought, but could not express, on paper & got
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the typist to type it out, as usual I put in no stops, the result when she had put them in was so startling, not to say appalling, that I shamefacedly put it in the fire & have returned to my natural instincts not to try and express what I cannot begin to.
I sent you off a cake on Thursday made by Mrs Fudge, who is also going to make William's christening cake, & if no one is able to come to the party, (no good or bad fairies) Mrs Fudge, Elizabeth, myself and Daddy will sit round William and eat it all up wishing him luck with every mouthful. They are [inserted] both [/inserted] going home on Feb 9, I shall be very sorry to part with them – I hope the weather will not turn
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cold as I'm afraid their commodious modern residence will feel very thin after these steam heated baronial halls. The spare room has made a lovely nursery with a fire in it. I am going back with Elizabeth for 3 days if I can I want to get on and see Frances & Joyce before I come home again but it all depends if I can leave Papa to do for himself for so long -
I think William will object to being dressed up in a [word deleted] christening robe since he lives in a nightgown and I'm sure he will object to the ceremony & a strange parson, I think Frances
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was very lucky to have a grandfather in the business.
I enclose a letter from Norman & one from Ian if I can find it
very much love from us all
& especially me
your loving
Saturday Jan 29
F Donaldson, “Letter to David Donaldson from his mother,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 9, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/12017.
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