Letter from Douglas Hudson to parents



Letter from Douglas Hudson to parents


Glad that things have settled down and suggest they now mail him via some people at the British post office Tangier. Despite their anxiety that their mail has reached him he has received over 40 letters from them. Goes on to discuss mail strategies. Not much to report from there, some sport.



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Two page handwritten letter


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EHudsonJDHudson(Fam)410615-010001, EHudsonJDHudson(Fam)410615-010002


June 15th 1941.
My Dear Mother & Dad,
I am very pleased to have received your Air Mail letter to-day, dated May 24th, and to learn that you have settled down in your new home, & that things are becoming ship shape again. I hope the strain of moving etc. will not prove to have been too great. I realise what a lot of work is entailed & without the help of Mrs. Lord it is not difficult to visualise just how busy you will have been.
I now wish to suggest that about every 10 & 14 days you send me a letter by Air Mail addressed to:-
REV. MR. H. W. CUMMIN: c/o. T. W. WARREN ESQ: BRITISH POST OFFICE: TANGER: Do not put my name on the envelope at all, but on the back clearly mark your own name and address. This will be sufficient to enable the letter to be sent on to me. Might save a little time this way.
Now to relieve your anxiety about the letters I have received from you. You say that you think only a fourth part of the letters you have sent have got through. On the other hand I have received forty-two (42) letters in all from you – ten by Air Mail. Taking into consideration the fact that there was a big gap in March when Mother was ill, and a gap in May on account of your removal, I think you will find that nearly all your letters have arrived, that is assuming you have written approximately every 3 or 4 days. here is a list of the dates of your Air Mail letters received so far:- Feb. 20th. – gap – April 9th. 11th. 14th. 17th. 22nd. 25th. 29th. May 2nd – gap – May 24th. I have also
[page break]
received your cables which are most useful links. The cables I sent from Médéa I paid for myself out of the small allowance received from the Consul. That is the reason they were so short. Your suggestion of sending a pre-paid reply with a future message is excellent. At the present I am allowed to send cables and consequently could make good use of a pre-paid reply. If it does not work out unnecessarily expensive, I could send you a cabled reply by this means provided I still have the right to cable from here. Reading this paragraph through – it does sound disjointed, I seem to have repeated myself unnecessarily. I must be getting old – and come to think of it the quarter century is now well & truly reached.
You also ask about the BS.A. Yes I have received all the news about this in a much earlier letter.
There is not much to report from here. Played football yesterday & finished off my right boot. I shall not be able to play again until it is repaired – if – because it is in a bad state. Still do the morning P.T. & walks. There are a lot of tortoises about here, we see a lot when we go out.
This afternoon, I have permission to go into the town with a guard. I shall try & get a drink of tea. Have not tasted tea for over two weeks now. I miss it most of all.
Well now I will say good-bye again. I hope you will keep safe & well, & I wish you much better luck for the future. My thoughts are always with you. All my love
[underlined] Douglas [/underlined]



James Douglas Hudson, “Letter from Douglas Hudson to parents,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 24, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/10889.

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