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  • Tags: prisoner of war

A man is dressed as a surfing woman. He is wearing shorts and a bikini top and is holding a surfing board.

Harry's betting stall at the races. Harry is dressed in shorts, shirt, bow tie and straw hat. He also is wearing a set of binoculars. He is standing on a stool beside a blackboard with the odds. He has an assistant at his side writing on a board. He…

A man and a man dressed as a woman are strolling. He wears a flat cap, pullover and flannels and boots. He is using a walking stick. She is smartly dressed a skirt in a top and hat and is a carrying a handbag, Behind is a betting stall with a bookie.…

Blocks of huts and other buildings stand in the camp area. Sections of barbed wire and a guard tower are visible. In the distance, the Barth church tower.

Second from the left is Flight Engineer Al Hawley, who jumped without his parachute, third is Les Thicke, who was in Stalag Luft 6 with Ron Hemsworth, fourth is Air Gunner Ron Hemsworth, extreme right is George Testal who was a fellow prisoner of…

The Governments of the Soviet Union, United States and Great Britain order that no Allied prisoner of war shall be mistreated. Offenders will be relentlessly pursued and punished.

The programme lists 23 pieces to be played a the prisoner of war Christmas show at Belaria camp.

List of contents of British Red Cross Parcel sent from Mrs E Rutherford to Les Rutherford while prisoner of war at Belaria camp Stalag Luft 3.

Personnel record card with photograph, fingerprint and personal details of Angas Hughes. Captured 27 September 1944 at Rastatt. Stamped with 'Officially Interrogated'. On the second page '10.10.44, Dulag Luft' and '28.10.44'.

Contains personal details front and side photograph and fingerprint. Notes captured on 27 September 1944 at Rastatt.

On the right a double row of fences with wooden poles and supports wit wire mesh. Telegraph poles with lights to illuminate fence run to its left. To the left of the fence a row of canvas tents with a number of men walking or standing talking between…

In the foreground three men kneel around a small potable stove. The man on the left is stirring food in a square pan. Another man stands to their right. Behind are two rows of tents with other men cooking or standing between the two rows. In the…

In the centre four men in line abreast carry a large tub slung on a pole. To the right a tall fence with clothes hanging on it. Telegraph poles with lights are aligned along the fence. To the left three men standing in front of the doorway of a…

Interior of a building with windows on the right. In the far right corner a large cross with railings behind. In the centre and left two candelabra stand against the back wall. On the left a lectern. In the centre three support columns running from…

In the foreground a barbed wire mesh fence with wooden supports. Behind the wire a large number of men walk in single file in a clockwise circuit. In the background a long building with barred windows and chimneys.

In the centre a football pitch with goal at the far end. On the field a number of men in shorts playing football. The pitch is surrounded by spectators. In the background several large huts.

View is looking down. In the top left and centre is a table covered with bowls, boxes, a jug, mugs and other items. A man sites on the left end a bench at lower left of the table eating from a bowl. The bottom half of another man can been seen…

Three bunks, the bottom one near the floor and with an approximately 50 cm space between each. There is a vertical support a third of the way from the left. The bottom two bunks are covered with a variety of unidentifiable objects. Clothes hang on…

A large crowd of prisoners of war wearing a variety of uniforms. On the right a number of men are standing higher than the crowd and one appears to address the mass. In the background trees and behind them a building.

Describes the journey taken between 18 January 1945 and 8 February 45 after the evacuation of the Bankau Stalag Luft 7 prisoner of war camp by foot and eventually train to Stalag 3A.

Describes events after the German authorities announced that prisoners from a number of camps in the east would be moved to other areas of the Reich. Due to lack of transport, prisoners would be required to walk. Describes events at Stalag Luft 7…

Three views of German dog tags showing '1069 Kr.Gef.Lager de Lw No.7 for 417845 Hughes' and 'RAAF, CofE'.

Envelope addressed to J Firth, Slough, from WS Ridgeway (who is mentioned in the attached card), Wollaton, Notts, and containing a home-made Christmas card from Stalag Luft 7, Bankau, 1944, signed by 6 airmen and giving their addresses.

Three bunks, the bottom one near the floor and with an approximately 50 cm space between each. There is a vertical support a third of the way from the left. The bottom two bunks are covered with a variety of unidentifiable objects. Clothes hang on…

In the centre four men in line abreast carry a large tub slung on a pole. To the right a tall fence with clothes hanging on it. Telegraph poles with lights are aligned along the fence. To the left three men standing talking in front of the door in…
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