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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Number 152-9. Received tobacco parcel but wishes he could have parcel from her, nothing for nine months and supplies running low. Not enjoying promotion as only for time served. Requests photos of Frances and new home. Still slaving away with violin.

Number 154-11. Mentions that no mail has arrived and camp drying up after thaw and his improved health. Writes about his diminishing interest in agriculture and growing interest in music.

Number 156-13. Writes it has been month since her last letter arrived. Mentions weather and violin. Still getting Red Cross food and despite cut in potatoes and increased number in camp, they are still alright.

Number 158-15. Reports on mail from friends/family but none from her, mentions daughter anniversary. Writes that winter has now gone and he is glad he survived in in good health. Mentions practising violin for 6 hours a day but little progress.…

Number 160-17. Writes he has had no mail and no sign of spring. Mentions that he has passed 700th day in confinement. Notes receiving ten books from Sweden but no sign of her parcels from last year and no tobacco parcels for months. His violin has…

Number 161-18. No mail from her but two small tobacco parcels have arrived which he is sharing with others. Writes of bleak landscape and laments on lack of mail.

Number 163-20. Reports no mail arrived but has had a few small tobacco parcels. Still practising violin in incinerator, camp believes he is "round the bend". Catches up with family/friends news.

Number 164-21. Writes he has received no letters from her but one from his mother. Asks that she let it be known that when writing of anniversaries not to hope that he would be there next year, he is sick of this. Comments that he is fit and working…

Number 169-26. Expresses concern over her safety from new weapon and suggest that she moves if in range. Notes they have only been there a couple of weeks he writes he will not be sorry to leave as camp lacks comforts and conveniences they are used…

The card advises that a radio message was broadcast wishing his family a Merry Christmas.

The postcard has pre-printed words to be scored out if not required. It explains that he is a prisoner of war of the Italians. It is signed Leslie Pickford.

Writes that in case she had not heard that there was a message for her from 86325 R Wareing over the German radio - am well recovering from burns - write Stalag Luft 1.

Reg advises that his new home is Offlag VIIB. He sounds upbeat after receiving half a Christmas parcel.

He writes that he has recently been reading books on farming and country life and is considering what job he would like to do after the war. He hopes they may be lucky and get to live in the countryside.

He writes that he is fit and the weather has been very good. He is thankful that the worst of the winter weather is behind them.

He writes that he is keeping fit but that food is now short, but hopes to make up for that when he gets home.

Hopes she and son are keeping well and that he is fit and cheerful. Mentions poor weather, someone he just met and that he had had no mail from her recently.

Mentioned he had done a lot of travelling lately including a lot of hiking. Is settled now but had had to leave all his mail behind. Has had no cigarettes for ages.

Writes of meeting a friend who arrived in his camp and hoped she was not long in hearing that he was okay. Says his friend was fit and well and mentioned other friends.

Reports arrival of seventeen letters, eleven from her. Glad to hear her and baby were doing well. Thinks David Ian are good names and mentions odd letter from a friend.

Says he had received 200 cigarettes, first for ages and was sorry she had started smoking. catches up on mail received. Mentions friend and arrival of parcels and contents. Mentions getting 3/4 of Red Cross parcel in last 7 weeks.

A postcard receipt sent to the Australian Red Cross for a parcel sent to Jim Cahir from his mother. The parcel has been received at Stalag IVB.

The message is from German radio stating that that Bob is a prisoner of war and she can write to him at Stalag Luft 1 and asks that she give his regards to their parents.

A card signed by David advising his parents that he had returned to UK. The card was pre-printed by the Salvation Army.

Informs him his name has been communicated to Prisoner of War Bureau in London who will inform family of current address. Forwarded his letter.
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