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  • Tags: Lancaster

Image of the nose art on the port side of a Lancaster nose. The name 'Martin Fierro' is painted above four rows of bomb symbols recording 39 operations carried out. Forward of this is some other artwork whose meaning is unclear. There are two prints…

View of front fuselage and cockpit with airmen inside. Unidentifiable nose art cartoon figures.

Two figures playing "two up", one wearing long trousers and another wearing shorts, both with hats, painted below cockpit. Six rows of operation symbols and letter 'D'. The names 'Bluey & Curly' and 'Jack' are also painted on the aircraft. On the…

Badge of Australian commonwealth imperial forces and three rows of operation symbols and one swastika. A airmen wearing flying helmet gives thumbs up out of open cockpit window.

View of front of Lancaster with pilot looking out of cockpit window. On the fuselage nose art of skull and crossbones and name 'Piratical Pete'.

Nose art of angry bee with bomb and words 'er-tag'. An airman looks out of cockpit window. Aircraft has five rows of operation tally bomb symbols.

The art features a depiction of Hardtmuth Lahm's cartoon dog 'Snifter' heading west over a map of Berlin. There is a Swastika and a large amount of mess left by the dog. This is dripping off the map. The name "Snifter" is painted on.

The nose of a Lancaster with a painting of a woman wearing a swim suit with RAF roundels. She is looking up at the cockpit and is wearing a sun hat. Behind her is a representation of David Langdon's 'AC2 Joe Soap’, a small airman with glasses and…

Painted on the nose is a Kangaroo wearing wellingtons and playing bagpipes. Notes are coming out of the pipes. 52 operations are marked including four ice cream cones indicating Italian targets. The Lancaster is 'E²'.

Nose art on a Lancaster 'D' with a cartoon which is not clear. Underneath is text which is indecipherable.

A cartoon character wearing Arab style dress holding playing cards labelled 'Ali Oop!' with the citation 'I Go - I come Back' painted under the cockpit of a Lancaster, the bomb doors of which are open.. Alongside is a bomb tally of 36 including 3…

Starboard side of a Lancaster 'PM-M' at night on the ground.

A Lancaster standing on the dispersal. Ladders can be seen resting against the aircraft, with a man standing by the aircraft near the bomb bay doors.

Front view of Lancaster RF183 parked on dispersal. A group of four airmen on the starboard side.

Rear quarter view of a Lancaster letters 'PO-F' parked on airfield dispersal. A lorry in visible on the right.

Front quarter view of parked Lancaster with two rows of operation symbols on nose and 'Barbara Mary' below the cockpit.

Front quarter view of a Lancaster parked on dispersal. Three airmen stand separately at the front. Aircraft has skull and crossbones nose art.

Lancaster R5669, letters OL-E (also known as “E for Edward”) from the side. Two other Lancasters are visible on the ground in the mid background facing in the opposite direction, in the far background there are two hangers and, in the air, a…

Rear quarter view of Lancaster 'VN-P' parked on hard-standing with three rows of bombs in the foreground. On the reverse '50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, about D Day, Yanky [sic] 1000 lb bomb GP, English 500 ", AVC, ND991, 50 Sqd - Flt Refuelling - BDU - 22…

Front quarter view of port side of a Lancaster with bomb doors open. On the nose 'G' and several rows of bomb symbols. The main wheels have covers and there is a trolley accumulator by the port wheel. On the reverse 'ED588 50 Sqd Skellingthorpe,…

View of the front fuselage and port inboard engine of a Lancaster. The bomb doors are open and the main wheels covered. On the nose 'G' and 72 bomb symbols in seven rows. In the background bottom left another Lancaster.

Starboard side view of Lancaster ‘DF-K’, on dispersal with wheeled access tower at right side and a second behind the aircraft. Code letters DF indicate it belonged to the Central Bombing Establishment.

Side view of Lancaster TL-D in light paint scheme pointing left parked on airfield.

Lancaster parked on grass, behind wire fence, surrounded by trees. There are several spectators including women and a young girl (under the nose). Other aircraft in background.


A Lancaster 'D' parked and chocked on hard standing, taken from the side. Bomb doors are open. Another Lancaster is in the background.


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