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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes wondering about the their near future and mentions her plans to return home in a fortnights time. Writes of some other purchases she made a recent auction and that she has has her hair permed again. Concludes with family gossip and that…

Writes that she has received no mail from him for a month and that she is returning home the next day. Describes challenge of transporting all the items she bought back to their house Writes they have had good holiday but she needs to get home to get…

Writes that they are now back in Chalfont St Giles and describes journey home from Devon as well as their activities when after arriving. Mentions going Christmas shopping and then reorganising the house as well as other domestic chores. Goes on with…

Describes daily activities of gardening or going out for walks. Writes of daughter going to Sunday school and visit of his sister. Mentions poor weather limiting gardening activity, daughter's dancing class, house-coat making, and that daughter is…

Writes that post office have stated that letters posted that week should reach prisoners of war by Christmas and dreams of future Christmases with him. Describes recent activities with visitors and that while she is enjoying solitary house occupancy…

Writes that she has obtained some photographs of daughter which she hopes will reach him before Christmas.

Writes that daughter is down with gastric flu and of other domestic chores. Catches up with news of previous house owner and ex-lodger. Reports that daughter has shown interest in reading and mentions her progress and dress making efforts.

Reports arrival of three letters posted July and August as well as a postcard after a 3 month gap with nothing from him. Answers points raised in his letters. Continues with news of his parents building efforts on their house and catches up with news…

Reports arrival of letter and postcard posted in September and news that next of kin parcels had stared again but she had not got anything ready. Intends to post before she leaves for holiday in Devon and hopes Red Cross hurries with things she has…

Writes that she is sending off clothing parcel and lists contents. Mentions that she now has updated map of prisoner of war camps from red cross and has a better idea of where he is now. Reports she is leaving for holiday in Devon the next day and…

Reports arriving at holiday location and activities there. Writes of visiting an auction and describing purchases. Continues with news of her activities.

Wishes him a happy new year and writes of her activities. Notes they have had sharp frosts and is nervous about pipes back at home freezing. Mentions quiet time over Christmas and covers other domestic news.

Wishes him happy returns on wedding anniversary and hopes her recent parcel has arrived. Mentions recent arrival of letter posted in October and receiving presents from her sister and his parents. Recounts recent activities of shopping and…

Writes that she has returned home to find 6 inches of snow. Mentions that her fears of frozen pipes did not happen and house was in good order. Writes of journey home and finding Christmas parcels on arrival. Continues with account of framing…

Writes of making acquaintances in local area and of social activities. Mentions visitors, how adventurous their daughter is and of her latest activities. Writes that she now has some white hairs and disparages her getting older. Catches up with news…

Writes it cannot be long now. and goes on to describe recent activities and local news. Catches up with news of acquaintances, RAF accounts and that proposal to open a private school in the village. Continues with upcoming social activities and…

Reports on arrival back from a 10 day visit and describes couple they stayed with as well as activities undertaken. Mentions meeting the daughter of Earl and Countess of Sandwich at Hinchinbrook [sic]. Writes of going to the theatre, a dance, of…

Writes how marvellous it will be to see him next day although sympathises that he has diphtheria. Says she has much to do before getting away and daughter is being looked after by her parents and taken down to Devon.

Short letter thanking him for his. No time to write as off to get hair permed. Suggest he gets proof of being prisoner of war from adjutant and contact Civilian Advice Bureau before going on holiday.

Writes that her husband was the navigator of his son's aircraft when they were reported missing on the Cologne operation. She quotes from a letter from her husband about that it was thanks to his son's magnificent, cool and resourceful actions that…

An illustrated booklet produced by the US War Department detailing a prisoner's rights.

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 056-1.jpg
Valentina Ciappei claims she helped John F Kerrigan, Erbert Nirton and other servicemen. On 5 September 1943, there was a round-up near Ombrone river and four prisoners she helped were recaptured. On 6 December , John F Kerrigan evaded capture and…

ISRPT, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 042-1.jpg
Valerio Traversari claims he helped about twenty Allied servicemen and officers giving them food, clothes, and shelter, in the winter of 1943. Then they decided to re-join their units.

The two men shared incarceration in Germany. He asks if Johnny got back safely.

ISRECP, C.b.b.21 Fondo Risaliti INS. 4, 004-1.jpg
Vermiglia Bellucci claims she helped some allied prisoners of war hide in the woods near the village of Fognano, Pistoia. She gave them food and clothes.
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