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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Writes this was trial letter using special airmail prisoner of war post form. Reports arrival of recent letter from him and decribes stamps on it. Writes that she had been to Burnley to buy socks and shirts for his next parcel. Interested to learn…

Reports arrival of letters and other message.

Reports arrival of mail with photographs, parcel dispatched, asks after books.

Writes about meeting a journalist who asked for some deatils about her son who had been awarded the DFC. Mentions newspaper cuttings which she had enclosed one being close to her account. Catches up with news and gossip. Four newspaper cuttings…

Notifies receipt of cable awaiting further. Mentions moving and supplies new address.

Announces move to Nelson complete.

Best wishes for 21 May. Anxiously awaiting news. Tells of move from Kensal (house sold) to Nelson.

Notes cables received letters om the way.

Reports letters and postcard received. In own home with pleasant garden.

Chestnut trees in bloom, brings memories, hope.

Reports cable received awaiting letter.

Notes letter received from Medea. Dads holiday week.

Reports she sent cable pre-paid reply, no response, delighted received letter Medea.

Welcome letters, special thoughts for Monday.

Week of memories, four letters Monday.

Writes that she sent cable and copies content. Replies that she has had all the cables he sent as well as photographs enclosed in letters. Mentions she is delighted to get his letters. Comments on weather and reminisces. Catches up with family news…

Letter of thanks to families for food parcels etc, plus detailed description of Laghuoat prisoner of war camp and surrounding area. Mentions they were allowed out twice week to walk in the desert and obtaining a few items through a local agent.…

Apologises for not being able to visit and explains problems with getting permission. Looks forward to seeing him in [xxx] if not England after the war. Passes on news of others.

Letter from manager at Jaffe and Sons Ltd mentioning ex work colleagues from prewar employer. Many had now left and were in the forces. Asks how he likes Algeria. Mention fund raised by members of the company to send comfort to members of staff who…

Sent by J B Morton. Flowers and bells on the front with green ribbon. Woman at post-box inside front. Christmas greetings inside right.

Mentions letter from Douglas's mother informing writer that Douglas was missing and now delighted to know he was alive and safe. Catches up with news of acquanitances. Hopes he got Christms card. Asks Douglas to let them know if there is anything…

Informs him his name has been communicated to Prisoner of War Bureau in London who will inform family of current address. Forwarded his letter.

Received his letter and forwarded to his parents along with message to British Red Cross enquiring about health of parents.

Received his letter and forwarded it to his parents with airmail message to send him a cable care of American Consul Tunis.

Received letter and forwarded to parents.
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