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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Catches up with other correspondence from friend and passes on news. Writes of preparing his next parcel which she has to send to Red Cross in London where it is censored and repacked. Hopes that he will get it intact and describes items included.…

Writes of poor recent weather. Mentions reading of terrific heat in Egyptian desert and presumes similar conditions in Sahara. Reports dispatching his parcel previous Monday and hopes to hear news of its progress from the Red Cross. Comments on his…

Relief to receive cable. Long discussion on problems with receiver to pay telegrams which they said they had sorted out with Cable and Wireless. Comments on the weather and working in the garden. Reports arrival of another letter from him and says…

Reports arrival of cable and writing to London about cables. Special thought for him August 4th. Parcel dispatched July 28.

Writes of poor weather and harrowing news on radio. Glad to get recent cable but not expecting letters after latest batch of 18 with the last dated 23 July. Describes post and censorship marks on envelopes and postcards. Writes about their activities…

Reports arrival of cable and tells of sorting out problems of pre-paid return cables with Cable and Wireless company. Writes about poor summer weather but the garden still looks good and about making jam. Mentions hoping that someone recently…

Reminisces over past events and reports arrival of postcard from him. Mentions father on duty and going straight to work. Writes of new biscuit rationing system which would be the same as for sweets. Wonders if any parcels have reached him. Mentions…

Reports arrivall of letters and cables. Hopes parcel arrives. Both well.

Reports arrival of numerous letters over the week. Mentions content of cables they had sent him recently. Catches up with family news. Says his spirits might have been low due to great heat and how weary he must be of monotony and seclusion. Reminds…

Comments on recent letter of how weary he must be of monotony and unchanging scene and how they are coping. Pity that the work for the camp newspaper has ceased. Mentions parcels not arriving and his report of spider. Comments on weather and recent…

Reports arrival of two cables and news that a parcel had arrived safely with him. Glad he wishes them to start pre-paid cables. Reports arrival of latest letters. Catches up on news and gossip and mentions flowers in garden. Mentions books she is…

Writes about the weather and how she feels. Mentions visit from acquaintance and passes on news. Second page has two areas blacked out. Catches up with other correspondence and mentions that it should be cooler when he gets this letter. Reminds that…

Reports arrival of letters and cables. Mentions soap sent more to follow.

Reports arrival of 10 letters and discusses cables sent and received. Glad to receive news as was anxious about him over the summer with the intense heat. Writes of recent heatwave that had now ceased. Writes she understands reason for delay in…

Reports arrival of several letters, one considered the most important of last batch. Glad he received most of her letters and comments on his new friend. Mentions having received over 40 letters from him at Laghouat. Mentions contents of various…

Reports arrival of latest letters which indicate he is again enjoying normal conditions. Glad to have cable announcing arrival of first next-of-kin parcel. Mentions getting hold of a sponge for next parcel and water shortage in camp. Comments on good…

Acknowledges cable on father's birthday and is at loss to understand why her message to him did not meet censors approval. Still awaiting news of missing friend. Comments on recent weather and on book she is reading. Catches up on family…

No letters or cables to report and awaiting next ones from him. Discusses several cables previously sent/received that he asked about. Still no news of missing friend. Comments of weather and father's little holiday. Will stay at home as wartime…

Reports arrival of cable and letters, mentions father's holiday.

Writes about weather over year's holidays. Reports content of cable she send previous Saturday. Says how important cables are to her as no letters for some time. Wonders whether when he returns they will still live in their small industrial town.…

Writes of weather and earlier blackout times. Mentions his letters which reported that they had had more food parcels from Canadian Red Cross. Mentions letter from friend and passes on news. Mentions factory chimneys smoking after short holiday.…

Reports arrival of postcard and cable and is pleased that her letters to him arrive in sequence. Says most of his letters reach them but not in sequence. Awaiting next letters. Says it is a great relief to learn of the help provided by different…

Writes that it was two years since she received a telegram reporting that he was interned in Tunisia and mentions their reactions to the news. Did not dream that he would be interned for over two years. Mentions receiving cable and postcard. Looking…

Rerports arrival of letters, postcards and cable. Awaiting photographs.

Reports arrival of two letters from him which mention that their photographs had arrived with him. Comments on photographs they sent him that she hads gained weight but father seems thinner every week. Mentions father has been working extra time.…
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