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  • Tags: Stalag Luft 3

He is well and has received mail. He has cigarettes and asks for more.

He thanks them for the parcel with a pipe and other stuff.

He is well and has received letters. He asks for photos.

He is well, playing bridge, reading and walking.

Hopes she and son are keeping well and that he is fit and cheerful. Mentions poor weather, someone he just met and that he had had no mail from her recently.

Number 3. Writes that he has now settled in permanent camp. Feels weak and depressed but this will pass. Shares room with three Dutchmen, one of whom has relative close to her in England. He request she call on relative. Wished she could sent food -…

Number 5. Writes about his fitness and health. Says not eating much and asks for regular supply of tobacco.

Number 7. Writes that life is a bit monotonous with no opportunity to get out of compound on work parties. Asks her to tell him dates of letters she has received from him so he will know if they all got through. Asks her to send lots of photographs…

Number 9. Asks for more food parcels and whether firm has any connections that could send regular consignments. Discusses possibility of her moving out to countryside for the duration or acquiring a rural residence near London making a start with…

Number 11. Has received no further letters. Asks her to send one pound of tobacco a month. Asks she continue efforts to get people outside the empire to send food parcels. Sends latest chess move and mentions his poor health.

Number 12. Notes her letters 1, 2, 3 and 5 arrived. Catches up with news of family/friends. Asks he to let him know if she has any problems getting his personal kit. Writes he will be playing soccer, feeling fit. Pleased Frances is making progress…

Number 14. Notes arrival of latest mail from home. Looking forward to parcel. Asks her to list contents of parcel so he can advise on what he needs. Mentions tobacco and cigarettes. Discusses various types of mail and which is best.

Number 18. Thanks her for efforts to organise food parcels but disappointed with one rich acquaintance. Thrilled to get old photographs of her. Continuing effort with his now own violin. Red Cross food parcel arriving regularly and well as some…

Number 22. Reports letters and photographs that have arrived and states that mail ration has improved. Sends thanks to others who have written. They have performed the first show in a theatre which they have built. Still studying German and violin.

Number 24. Notes it is the 3rd anniversary of their engagement and he writes how lucky he has been since asking her to marry him. He has been for a walk and seen some of the outside world.

Number 28. Mentions receiving a letter from former client and asks Ursula to thank him. Catches up with friends/ family news. As this might be last letter before Christmas sends seasons greetings to all. Writes he is still persisting with violin.…

Number 30. Writes that medical comforts parcel (lists contents) and tobacco from father had arrived. Writes of his activities and weather. Christmas Red Cross parcels have arrived. Hopes daughter Frances had good Christmas.

Number 34. List letters and parcels that have arrived. News from home and glad daughter avoided measles. He has a streaming cold.

Number 36. No mail received for some time. Has seen doctor about nose problems and would only be solved by operation. Reports parcel arrived from Sweden.

Number 37. Notes received parcel from mother and asks her to send thanks as he has no spare cards. Reports other parcel arriving and thanks her for organising foreign contributions. Red Cross Christmas parcels as well. Notes camp choir and orchestra…

Number 38. Mentions Christmas food and activities but still problems tasting anything. Didn't enjoy himself. Asks after daughter and requests news as only one letter from her received that month. Hoping for big things in 1943.

Number 40. He is concerned she is overdoing things by taking on another job, which she had mentioned in letter number 37. He is grateful for the chess set from Hamley’s and hopes to play some games when he has time.

Number 44. Mentions no mail from her and nothing to report. Describes constructing ice rink for own barrack. Mention ice hockey rink monopolised by Canadians and Poles.

Number 46. Anxiously awaiting mail from her. Reminisces about time together and other friends. Waits for news of daughter.

Number 53. Catches up with letters and parcels arrived. Has no other requirements for clothes apart from those already mentioned. Comments on his poor ability with violin. Reports that mail is poring into camp now.
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